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Inexpensive Balm for a Noob

I am a noob at wet shaving (about a month in) and I am looking for some inexpensive aftershave balm that hopefully I can find locally. I get some razor burn currently. It isn't bad but slightly annoying and I blame it on beginner's technique. I am hoping to get better and avoid any burn. The shaves are so good that it outweighs the slight burn I get.

I am currently using a bottle of Caswell Massey Almond balm that was given to me. The bottle wont last forever though and I would like to find something just as good or better I can purchase locally (Walmart, Target, grocery store, CVS, Walgreens, Riteaid, etc) and for a relatively inexpensive price. It doesn't have to be scent free but keep in mind I am 24 years old and I dont want something that might overpower my cologne. I shave at night so the smell should be gone by the morning anyways...

Also I use a bottle of Old Spice aftershave sometimes instead of the CM balm. What are the pros and cons of using each by themselves? Should I be using a AS and balm together?

Thanks in advance for the advice!


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
Nivea Aftershave Balm. Sensitive.
$5 or $6
I put some equate baby oil gel in mine.
It works for me.
Awesome. I was looking at the Nivea, Every Man Jack, and Burts Bees. Has anyone tried the last 2? I will probably try the Nivea out anyways. How is the scent?
Every Man Jack or Bulldog. The Nivea is soothing, but not nearly as moisturizing as these two. My skin needs that extra moisture in the fall and winter.

Oh, and I wouldn't say that any of them have a scent that is strong enough that you need to worry about it clashing.
Every Man Jack is great for the winter and they make an unscented version. Do you use witch hazel currently? It does wonders for irritation/razor burn. It is very inexpensive especially if you buy generic.
+1 on the Every Man Jack, available at WalMart/Walgreens/CVS, I love it!
+1 on the Witch Hazel, I get mine at The Dollar Store.
Burt's Bees is really good stuff, a little pricey, but hey......
The aforementioned Nivea sensitive is great stuff. It has a very slight scent that dissipates in a few minutes leaving you to put whatever scent you want.
Nivea, or Sanex (if you can get it). REWE ASB is quite good as well, but unfortunately not available to you (assuming you are in the USA).
I really like the Aubrey Organics Balms (I use Northwoods and City Rhythms) or Burt's Bees. Burt's Bees doesn't really have a scent to me.
If you start with the Nivea, you may not even want to try anything else. Good product with very little scent.
If you start with the Nivea, you may not even want to try anything else. Good product with very little scent.


This is seriously probably the main reason I'm constantly buying it. It's is inexpecive, easy to find and has a matching cream to boot!
I really need to find a solid ASB to replace it, this relationship is becoming addicting:001_wub:
Awesome. I was looking at the Nivea, Every Man Jack, and Burts Bees. Has anyone tried the last 2? I will probably try the Nivea out anyways. How is the scent?
I have Burts' Bees in my warm-weather rotation. It has a sweet, citrusy scent. I'm somewhat anal about matching brand-names, so I've never tried it with anything other than BB shaving cream. Be aware that it is a very thin consistency, closer to a milk than a balm, so you will likely squirt out a lot more than you need the first few times.

As others have said, though, Nivea Sensitive is your best bet for a top-notch, low-cost, easily available all-around balm. It performs great and matches up with everything.
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