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Indian Old Spice in Europe

I used to be such a fan of Old Spice cologne that i practically bathed in the stuff :001_tt1:. I tried the new OS but it's just not quite the same. Where can i get the Indian Old spice in Europe. I heard that WCS had it, but I don't think that they can ship to Europe :crying:.
I bought 2 - 4oz bottles from WCS. I just had to find out for myself what the difference was.

The difference is not that startling at first. The Indian version has more of a powder smell to it and that part of the scent lingers more than the rest.

There is one difference that is more striking. The Indian OS burns like a MF! For some reason my cheeks burn like heck for several minutes, but not my neck. Very weird. It's not an alcohol sting, and it's not instant.
There are no Indian store that I know of around here. I tried to get it from India but it was a terrible experience. I guess I'll have to do without...:thumbdown
Thanks for the input though.
I thought about it, but i'd rather buy new if I can. I never feel comfortable with buying fragrances on ebay, for some reason I always fear that I am going to Pay for Indian Old Spice and get repackaged P&G Classic scent. I must be overly critical...
Crotalus, the Shulton versions I have tried had a much more pronounced powderiness. A new Old Spice bottle circa 1993 with the yacht logo also had a burning effect similar to what you described.

I've yet to try the Indian stuff.

I was going to buy it on eBay from an Indian vendor but I just thought it'd be a hassle. I may just give it a shot one of those days.

Romeo, what happened with your Indian experience? Communication problems, payment problems?
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