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Indian Grocery in Irving (DFW, TX)

There are quite a few Indian groceries in Irving, I thought about checking some out to see what shaving items they have. India Bazaar shows on their website that they carry Dettol, Godrej, and Palmolive shave creams. I might check it out.

What have any of you other DFW'ers found as far as imports go?
Well, I just got back from India Bazaar....and looky what I came back with!

I didn't see the Old Spice Cream or the Menthol Mist on their website, so I was pleasantly surprised needless to say! They also had Dettol cream, and I even saw a few packs of 7 O'Clock black blades behind the cashier. It's worth the trip if you're nearby. I got this at the Irving store, but they also have stores in Richardson and Plano.

Here's their website: http://www.indiabazaardfw.com/

Just got back from there - it's down the road from work. I asked about blades and the cashier said they didn't sell them (I didn't read your post about them being behind the registers until after I got back). Did you see the $2.50 synthetic brushes?
Just got back from there - it's down the road from work. I asked about blades and the cashier said they didn't sell them (I didn't read your post about them being behind the registers until after I got back). Did you see the $2.50 synthetic brushes?

I did catch a glimpse of a shaving brush, but I was in a hurry. I'll come back when I have more time. I did notice that they were having a sale on the Palmolive cream, .99 a tube. It looked to be sold out.
I'll have to check out the Plano store. I see a lot of Indian and Pakistani groceries around these days but never think to stop. It'd be nice to find a local source for stuff ... Thanks for the tip.

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