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INCREDIBLE SHAVE THIS MORNING! Notice I didn't say "good"...

He tasted blood and I guess he liked it & wanted more.

Started the whole thing by dropping my Red Imp 132. CAUGHT HIM! After going over it in my mind for weeks, and being sure I would just let it fall, I caught him. Fortunately, the edge was away from me, and barely bounced off of one finger. I got a very thin, very shallow line on my left index finger between the first and second joint from the tip. No problem, but I'm wondering if I'm the only one to ever use a styptic pencil on a finger.

Continuing my shave, he bit my left cheek. Not bad, but the styptic pencil came out again.

Getting set all over again, I continued my shave, and he got my right cheek, right at the jaw line. This one was a bit more serious than the first two, but still got it fixed up with the styptic pencil.

Finally, I was almost done, and finishing up on my chin, when he bit a bump that kinda resembles a mole -- IOW, it's there all the time, and it's been there for years, and I should be able to get around it. This one was tough, took me several minutes to get it straightened out with the styptic pencil, at which point I simply gave up.

Geez, I wonder if I can dig out my old Fusion which I haven't used since October 2010...
Oooh, that particular razor is possessed. Send it to me for exhorcising, I have to warn you that it might not make it back after the procedure.
poor razor gets blamed 4 everything. u must of forgot to pet it 4 awhile before shaving and the water must have been 2 cold 4 it.
The blurb on the main page showed that you dropped & caught your razor. Honestly, I expected more blood. I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or relieved :p
Did you turn the light on in the bathroom first?

You need to buy a lottery ticket. You don't get much luckier than that, catching a straight razor before it hits the floor. Just imagine one day telling your grandkid, "Sonny, hop up on Grandpa's lap here and let me tell you about the time..."
Thick leather glove!
One word: safety kamisori with nightlight... and vibrator... but turn the vibrator off until you get the hang of it...

Seriously, no caffeine - use Scotch... it mellows things out, you don't nick yourself, and you don't give a s**t if the razor falls. You just watch it go...

Seriously 2 (really), congrats on the good luck with catching it... but... don't do that again... and, if the spike has an edge, mute it - I mute mine with a stone - I don't screw around with them anymore.
Yeah that is something that takes time to be able to use a straight without nicking yourself, though I am lucky that I did not even after a week though that may have to do with the fact that I think that my razor is not sharp it can be.
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