Oh yes. The almighty artery hardening pork pike. In all it's glory. A thing of beauty surpassed only by its flavour. Specifically the Melton Mowbray variety. I made one of these this weekend and the lads at work made short order of it this morning. Here is the official website. Melton Mowbray Pork Pie Assocation I made different style in that it was eight inches in diameter and of course, not in the Melton Mowbray region! I followed the recipe at VideoJug. It was delicious and I am happy to report it turned out exactly like the one in the video! I haven't had a good pork pie in years. What strikes me the oddest is the crust. Usually a short crust type pastry is guaranteed to be tough as leather when you work it like that or use hot ingredients. This one is flaky as can be. Give it go chaps. You won't be disappointed.
Regards, Todd
Regards, Todd