Just picked this up. got it home and then noticed the split in the handle. I can still return it if I hurry, like right away. Should I be concerned? Paid $60 for it. I have like 5 minutes to decide.... Please HELP. What do Ya'll think?
That's a fair price, I've seen them go for more on eBay. If there are matching serial numbers on the box/razor it should be worth maybe even more. Most of those old razors have cracks in them.
By the way that is a WWI officers razor depending on the serial number it could have even been produced as late as after the war. The more affluent officers purchased these in the PX of thier time.
OK, I took a deep breath, had a bite to eat. The world is good again. After getting some good help from friends on B&B I learned that a lot of these Ball Tips have a split in the handle. I did get the help I needed in time to return the razor if needed but, after getting the responses on this thread and some special help from Alex I am glad to say "It is official, I am now the proud owner of the above pictured Officer's 1917 Gillette." Now let the work begin getting it all spruced up and ready for my first go round with it in the Old Shave Den.
BTW John, I hear you have ironed out a process whereby someone might repair such a split in said handle.
Cracks like that are pretty common and a little careful application of some marine grade epoxy will set to right any loose end or thread section.
I've set at least 3 or 4 to rights that way.