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Impending deficit?

Anyone else with a impending deficit requiring correction?


My tub of QED lime is all but gone, & my QED sandalwood shave stick is all but gone (kinda looks like the OP's stick). Drag about the QED sandalwood cuz when it's gone, it's gone forever. :crying: But boy, did I enjoy it!
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The only thing I've got a deficit of is cash in my Paypal account......however, it will be a sad day when the QED Sandalwood stick is no more.
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The only thing I've got a deficit of is cash in my Paypal account......

Right there with ya, bro.

however, it will be a sad day when the QED Sandalwood stick is no more.

Come to that, my original tub of QED sandalwood that I purchased in Jan. of '08 (along w/said shave stick) is nearly gone, too. The only thing keeping me going is that I have 2 more tubs in reserve from the group buy last Spring. :001_tt2:
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