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I'm simplifying my shave !

I got into DE shaving about 2 months ago. I don't have ADs, but the elaborate shaving routines I learned here were getting out of hand. Too complicated and long of a shave:

1) Fill Scuttle with hot water to warm it up. Set aside.
2) Soak brush in hot water. Set aside.
3) Wash face with scrub.
4) Press hot towel against face for several minutes.
5) Throw away Scuttle water.
6) Refill Scuttle with freshly hot water.
7) Load brush with soap.
8) Lather in Scuttle (also annoying that the Scuttle is big and heavy to handle).
9) Apply lather.
10) 3-pass shave.
11) Cold water rinse.
12) Balm application.
13) Clean all this freaking mess !

Well I'm done with all this non-sense. I've found beauty in a more simplistic shave, without a lot of unnecessary, excessive steps and shaving gear more over-hyped than a Gillette Fusion Proglide commercial. The point I'm trying to make is, and this is probably mostly for the newbies, more gear and more steps don't always equal a better shave. This is a wrong assumption that newbies easily fall into. Keep it simple. It will be more satisfying in the long run. All this excess crap eventually gets annoying.

Another point is that a lot of people who make these extremely long routines shave at night, because it's too long to do it in the morning before work. If you're the shaving guru in the office, your face should be the one looking the cleanest shaven, not the guy who shaved in 5 minutes in the morning with a cart. But he will look cleaner shaven than you if you decided to shave at night.

So here is my new, simpler routine:

1) Swirl brush in water for 10 seconds.
2) Load brush with soap.
3) Lather in small, easy to handle, and cheap bowl.
4) Splash warm water in face. (Face will have already been soap washed from shower)
5) Apply lather.
6) 3-pass shave.
7) Cold water rinse.
8) Balm application.
9) Not so much to clean (Less messing around with water, less water spilled).

Long routine takes about 45 minutes, short routine takes about 20 minutes.

Enjoy the simple pleasures of DE shaving !
Sounds good to me. It's about what I do normally.

1 Wash face in hot shower.
2 Wet brush with hot water from tap.
3 Make lather in mug.
4 Re-wet face with splashes of hot water from tap.
5 Brush onto Face.
6 Shave with straight razor.
7 Apply astrigent.
8 Cold water rinse
9 Wipe down counter.
cut out another step by learning how to face lather.

I'm intrigued in trying that... however, won't I have to spend more time by working the lather onto my face before each pass, rather than doing it once in a bowl ? To me, it's arguable...
I feel you could soak the brush while showering and have the bristles soften better without adding time.
1. Warm water in cup and on soap
2. Soak brush while showering
3. Extract brush, dump cup water, and dump soap water into cup.
4. Load and face lather
5. 2 pass shave
6. Cold water rinse
7. Witch Hazel or ASB
8. Take out blade, forearm strop, clean each razor part, wring out brush, place hair-side-up on shelf, dry all razor parts, place on hand towel to air-dry just in case any moisture was missed, reassemble after I get home from work/school, place in holder, and pick out what soap and brush to use tomorrow.

Yup, shortened it.
I feel you could soak the brush while showering and have the bristles soften better without adding time.

In my experience, the effect of this is marginal with a badger brush. I'm not here trying to deny everything, I'm just calling it how I see it.
u need to evolve to face lathering mon amie. You can feel the lather building and conditions the skin better IMHO.
anyhow, whatever works. I just bought my first tub of TOBS today and I'm super psyched. i lathered for 10 straight mts lost in the zen of it
1. Warm water in cup and on soap
2. Soak brush while showering
3. Extract brush, dump cup water, and dump soap water into cup.
4. Load and face lather
5. 2 pass shave
6. Cold water rinse
7. Witch Hazel or ASB
8. Take out blade, forearm strop, clean each razor part, wring out brush, place hair-side-up on shelf, dry all razor parts, place on hand towel to air-dry just in case any moisture was missed, reassemble after I get home from work/school, place in holder, and pick out what soap and brush to use tomorrow.

Yup, shortened it.

Haha, very funny. The amount of numbers doesn't actually represent shaven time length. You have to consider how long each step (number) takes.
I've simplified recently as well.

1.soak brush
3.face lather
4.two pass shave w/ Senator and sharp blades
5.warm & cold water rinse. (I do warm first to make sure all soap is off)
6.two splashes of Dominica

If I don't shower before I shave, I just splash warm water before and lather a little longer.
i would really emphasize good prep for newbies, though! Very important.
Great that you have found a simpler way. Why not face-lather to simplify it even more.
1. prepare razor, brush, scuttle, soap/cream - 20 seconds;
1. fill scuttle with water - 10 seconds;
1. wet brush and soak it in water - 20 seconds;
1. prepare face with face wash or scrub - 1.5 minutes; (skip if after shower)
1. load brush with soap - 40 seconds (only 5 seconds if using cream);
1. whip lather in scuttle - 1.5 minutes;
1. 2 pass shave - 5 minutes;
1. wash face and clean the mess - 1 minute;
1. apply AS - 10 seconds;

Total - 11 minutes max
...scratching my b***s 30 minutes - priceless
Good on you, its your shave do it however you want.
I do mine in about 10-15 minutes
I got into DE shaving about 2 months ago. I don't have ADs, but the elaborate shaving routines I learned here were getting out of hand. Too complicated and long of a shave:

1) Fill Scuttle with hot water to warm it up. Set aside.
2) Soak brush in hot water. Set aside.
3) Wash face with scrub.
4) Press hot towel against face for several minutes.
5) Throw away Scuttle water.
6) Refill Scuttle with freshly hot water.
7) Load brush with soap.
8) Lather in Scuttle (also annoying that the Scuttle is big and heavy to handle).
9) Apply lather.
10) 3-pass shave.
11) Cold water rinse.
12) Balm application.
13) Clean all this freaking mess !

Well I'm done with all this non-sense. I've found beauty in a more simplistic shave, without a lot of unnecessary, excessive steps and shaving gear more over-hyped than a Gillette Fusion Proglide commercial. The point I'm trying to make is, and this is probably mostly for the newbies, more gear and more steps don't always equal a better shave. This is a wrong assumption that newbies easily fall into. Keep it simple. It will be more satisfying in the long run. All this excess crap eventually gets annoying.

Another point is that a lot of people who make these extremely long routines shave at night, because it's too long to do it in the morning before work. If you're the shaving guru in the office, your face should be the one looking the cleanest shaven, not the guy who shaved in 5 minutes in the morning with a cart. But he will look cleaner shaven than you if you decided to shave at night.

So here is my new, simpler routine:

1) Swirl brush in water for 10 seconds.
2) Load brush with soap.
3) Lather in small, easy to handle, and cheap bowl.
4) Splash warm water in face. (Face will have already been soap washed from shower)
5) Apply lather.
6) 3-pass shave.
7) Cold water rinse.
8) Balm application.
9) Not so much to clean (Less messing around with water, less water spilled).

Long routine takes about 45 minutes, short routine takes about 20 minutes.

Enjoy the simple pleasures of DE shaving !
I go with (perfect circumstances):

1) get face wet - 5 seconds
2) wet brush and load the soap - 15 seconds
3) face lather - 5-10 seconds
4) shave - 1-2 minutes
5) repeat 3 and 4 for either second pass or ATG - 1-2 minutes
6) rinse (possibly shower) and apply aftershave (shower doesn't count) - 10 seconds

So I can be done in about 5 minutes when it's a short shave ( 1-2 day), add a couple of minutes for a 4-5 day in-between shaves.

I tend to simply load more water on the brush as I face lather (crush the brush to flower it up and add a few drops in the middle). I find that soaking the brushes doesn't do much in my opinion, a few seconds to saturate them (under the water flow), has worked fine, and it anything, I prefer a dryer brush to load the soap, otherwise I end up with too much lather in the soap container (and drooping all over the place) that I need to rinse out.
Wow, I think I must have the simplest routine:

1. Shower
2. Shave

That's just TWO steps!

Seriously, as others have said, face lathering is wonderful. Really wonderful. You owe it to your face.
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