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I'm out of hot chocolate mix....need help ASAP......

I'm out of a hot chocolate mix and am too lazy to go to the store and get some more, thus I have a 'crazy' idea of melting some Hershey's milk chocolate bars and using them instead....is this a recipe for disaster or recipe for delicousness???
Add some milk to taste and texture when you're melting it. If you're feeling like going nuts, add half & half or heavy cream if you have it.

One question though, it's June. Why?
You'll need to add sugar, as dissolved Hershey bars won't be sufficient. In the future, keep a box of Hershey's cocoa in the cupboard. It lasts for ages and you can make your own hot chocolate and tailor it to your taste. It's really easy and vastly superior to packaged products. There are dozens of recipes online.
I assume you don't have cocoa powder or you wouldn't be asking this...

For me cocoa powder's the only way to make hot chocolate (I like it very dark and not too sweet).
I heard that people crave chocolate right before they get a cold. Are you feeling alright?

Anyway, melting chocolate with some milk should be tasty good. Throw in a shot of Schnopps and it'll be even better.
Thanks guys!!!! Hersheys bars are melting as I type. I broke up two bars and put them in a bowl which is immersed in another bowl of hot water on the range top (ala keeping my lather warm technique!!!). How much sugar should I add?
With cocoa you need to make a thick paste first with a little warm milk then gradually add more warm milk until you have your drink. Maybe this will work with melted chocolate too.
Thanks guys!!!! Hersheys bars are melting as I type. I broke up two bars and put them in a bowl which is immersed in another bowl of hot water on the range top (ala keeping my lather warm technique!!!). How much sugar should I add?
That's matter of taste. For me it would probably be none.

PS: Microwaves (used in small increments, stir in between) do a nice job melting chocolate and are great for heating milk.
***Hot chocolate mission aborted***

I became impatient the dual pot melting idea on the range top so I transferred it into a plastic bowl in the microwave..... Turns out the bowl wasn't microwave safe and when I pulled it out of the microwave to stir the bottom had melted and I not have half liquified/half charred hershey bar matter on the kitchen floor.:eek:


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***Hot chocolate mission aborted***

I became impatient the dual pot melting idea on the range top so I transferred it into a plastic bowl in the microwave..... Turns out the bowl wasn't microwave safe and when I pulled it out of the microwave to stir the bottom had melted and I not have half liquified/half charred hershey bar matter on the kitchen floor.:eek:

I hate when that happens. :cursing:

Next time just pour hot milk (or cream or 1/2&1/2) over the chocolate to melt it.

If you're melting chocolate in a double boiler, you may as well make chocolate mousse, pots de creme, or marquise au chocolat.
A great simple hot chocolate can be made with half a bar of chocolate plopped in a mug of milk. Microwave until everything is hot and melted, and stir (whisk is better, but must mugs aren't big enough). I find even with dark chocolate no additional sugar is necessary, but I don't like super sweet chocolate either.

Obviously better quality chocolate will improve the flavor. So will using whole milk (or adding a dash of cream to your skim). And you don't want to scald/burn anything, so stir it regularly in the cooking process.
I assume you don't have cocoa powder or you wouldn't be asking this...

For me cocoa powder's the only way to make hot chocolate (I like it very dark and not too sweet).


Your melting plan might probably work, but if you know what's good for you take:
1 tsp of Droste Cacao (available in baking section of supermarket)
2 tsp of Sugar (vary to taste)
mix to a paste with a little cold water
1 cup of hot milk

voila. Dutch cup of excellence. Of course vary the amount of ingredients to taste.
A great simple hot chocolate can be made with half a bar of chocolate plopped in a mug of milk. Microwave until everything is hot and melted, and stir (whisk is better, but must mugs aren't big enough). I find even with dark chocolate no additional sugar is necessary, but I don't like super sweet chocolate either.

Obviously better quality chocolate will improve the flavor. So will using whole milk (or adding a dash of cream to your skim). And you don't want to scald/burn anything, so stir it regularly in the cooking process.

No. Your whisk just isn't small enough.:biggrin:

Long story short.....it was a disaster! The bowl melted, there was burnt chocolate shortly thereafter on the floor and I just ended up drinking cold milk. :rolleyes:
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