On the 10th I just dropped a quick note saying I would be out for a couple of days. I was having lasik eye surgery the next day. and several members wished me well and to let them know how it went. Well here I am, just over 24 hours since having it done, and things are great. I was a bit worried about the outcome as my eyes were just starting to get to the point where I'd need this procedure. I was something like 20/50, just getting by on my license renewel. Anyway the procedure was a breeze, the only thing I felt was a bit of pressure, and my next day check-up, today, my eyes were 20/25with improvements still to come. This is absolutely fantastic. I'm here at the computer without my 250 power reading glasses. Anyone who has even considered this procedure just go ahead and do it, I never realized how bad my eyes were getting. Just a word of thanks to those members who responded and wished me well. Thank you so much. I'll be back checking in whenever again, and of course with those smilies. Gotta lover 'em.