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I'll see your Spanish Point, and I'll raise...


For the man that insists upon shaving his nostrils...
Methinks someone modded that for an alternate purpose.
I had something not too dis-similar a while back.

Research the "Razor Gang Wars" late 1920s thru the 30s, Sydney Australia.
Interesting. Always love learning about history. Gotta read up on that.

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
Ol' Leroy may have had a razor in his shoe but he also had a .32 gun in his pocket for fun.

When you need a backup you really need a backup, but I can think of better backups than that razor. I'll kindly remark that whoever made it thought about it and did a decent job. Guessing it was a busted razor to begin with.

Research the "Razor Gang Wars" late 1920s thru the 30s, Sydney Australia.
Did these gangsters really know how to hone their razors though? 🤔

As for stropping, fuhgeddaboudit! They must have been some rough edges.😊
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