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"If You Have Not Gone ATG, You Have Not Shaved". Discuss.

I can get pretty close WTG using certain razors like the R41 or the Superslant but, ATG really gets the job done. Admittedly, I often find myself chasing BBS. A fool’s errand I know but, sometimes I just can’t help myself. Chasing BBS without a good plan combined with going ATG is where the problems are gonna come, if they come.

TLDR: I need to go ATG to feel satisfied but, to each their own. YMMV.
I tried it in my youth, and my skin really didn't like it. More recently, out of curiosity more than anything else, I tried again with a straight and it was fine. DEs are still no go, though.

If your skin can handle it, and you're looking for an immaculate shave, it is the easiest way to get there. But it is by no means necessary.


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If I shave daily, I do a WTG, one pass shave. Close comfortable, quick.

If I shave every other day (last few years), it's a WTG/ATG, two pass shave.

I never got ATG on my goatee area. That area is either WTG or XTG. I never could do an ATG pass there.

Going ATG is not necessary to get a good shave.

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
I remember shaving against the grain used to be illegal a decade or so ago. All the razor manufacturers and shaving websites said you must never, ever do it. It only made me want to do it more. Always seemed to me that you only get half a shave if you don’t.

And actually it’s fine. I didn’t die, I just got smoother skin.
I worked diligently to learn how to get a succesful and comfortable ATG pass. Now that it's an accessible tool, I'll add an ATG to my daily WTG/XTG if there's an important work day or some kind of social engagement .... usually two or three times a week.
I like to be well dressed, groomed and a BBS with a nice fragrance is the cherry on top.


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I stopped chasing BBS some years back.

My beard grows in swirls and multiple directions all over. Plus, my beard is very gray and coarse.

The razors I use regularly (Alpha Big Dogs and Big Dogs) are capable of a 1-pass (WTG) SAS, 2-pass (WTG + ATG) CCS, 3-pass (WTG + ATG + XTG) DFS to DFS+, and a 4-Pass (WTG + ATG + XTG + Touch-ups) DFS++ to BBS. I have no issue going ATG, including the "fool's pass".

Now that I'm retired, SAS, CCS, DFS are all perfectly acceptable results. :)

Alum Ladd

Could be most likely nutjob stuff
I always finish with an ATG pass.

I never really thought about grain and pass direction and such intricacies prior to taking up DE shaving. However I did it from the beginning. I was so impressed by the potential and evidential quantum leap in the standard of my DE shaves that I adopted it from the start. Not that I analysed it much at that primordial stage.

My initial shaves, in hindsight were probably primitive. Not so much a deadly tale of cuts and nicks, but angle and initial pressure. I have since learned that judicious pressure is not such a bad thing on certain areas of my beard growth areas. In hindsight I didn't cut myself too much on reflection. I think an early usage of the classic vintages assisted, with their wonderful calculation of design, and the obvious research that old Gillette put into the 'bell curve' of shavers.

I use ATG most on the final chin and upper lip pass. I close my eyes and feel the blade doing it's work. Hard to describe. ATG on my upper neck and cheeks are a breeze. Shockingly, I use a straight E/W direction on my neck on the XTG pass. My skin has toughened, and the only way to toughen it is to subject it.

Obviously this may not work for some Gents, but I would contend that getting through a period of ingrowns and irritation may well make a ATG pass quite possible. Be brave. If after a month or so it is not working out, desist. But I say persevere. The results are superb if one sticks it out.

I would recommend those who shy away from ATG to try it. The skin toughens and becomes accustomed, and the final result, combined with a thoughtful blade choice paired with intelligent pre-shave hydration and post shave routine is well worth the effort.
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