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Some days at work I wish I could have a drink, but at least when I'm at home writing I can always have a smoke!


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
Perfect timing this post. Just returned from exile in my shop where I enjoyed my first use of my Bjarne churchwarden and my first bowl of Dunhill's Nightcap. Wishing I could have smoked it in front of the 'puter as I enjoy my evening liquid libation. Such a sublime combo that would be!


Needs milk and a bidet!
wish i could sit at my desk and smoke. I just don't want the smoke to penetrate the walls and furniture of the house.

But one day when i'm rich and famous i'm going to have a "smoke room". or walk in humidor. something well ventilated, comfy chairs, classic vinyl record player for relaxing tunes. imagine your favorite hang out smoke shop, but in your house. yeaaahhhhhh.

right now my options are an unheated "sun" porch or sitting outside. and this guy hates the cold.
wish i could sit at my desk and smoke. I just don't want the smoke to penetrate the walls and furniture of the house.

But one day when i'm rich and famous i'm going to have a "smoke room". or walk in humidor. something well ventilated, comfy chairs, classic vinyl record player for relaxing tunes. imagine your favorite hang out smoke shop, but in your house. yeaaahhhhhh.

right now my options are an unheated "sun" porch or sitting outside. and this guy hates the cold.
That is my plan right now... though I don't even have the porch!


Needs milk and a bidet!
idk why it was sold as a "sun porch" as i thought sun porches stayed warm during the winter. but an electric heater fixes that issue. it even has windows all around and its all inclosed in and was 40 degrees F. out there the other day. yes 40 is cold to me :lol: I have a rocking chair out there and a small fan for the window to pull the smoke out.
idk why it was sold as a "sun porch" as i thought sun porches stayed warm during the winter. but an electric heater fixes that issue. it even has windows all around and its all inclosed in and was 40 degrees F. out there the other day. yes 40 is cold to me :lol: I have a rocking chair out there and a small fan for the window to pull the smoke out.
-25 C is cold for me, whereas 19 C is about as warm as I usually like to be 25 C is even pushing it.


Needs milk and a bidet!
-25 C is cold for me, whereas 19 C is about as warm as I usually like to be 25 C is even pushing it.
70-80 F is my ideal temp. -13 F.....im sitting on coals. coldest i've ever experienced here in Illinois was -19 F (-28C) before the wind chill. and i had to stand out in it waiting for the public bus to take me to work! baaaaad day
Never been in any colder weather than -5 F. And I don't ever plan on being in colder. I've had knee surgeries and messed up disc, and cold weather stabs into me like a knife.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
I wonder what kind of ventilation a room would need keep it from smelling too bad from the pipe?
I smoke in the house when alone, and as long as I keep my pipes clean and ashtray dumped, I don't have to worry about foul smells. Now, cigars are a different story, they seem to linger a bit more, so I take them to my shop our outside.
idk why it was sold as a "sun porch" as i thought sun porches stayed warm during the winter. but an electric heater fixes that issue. it even has windows all around and its all inclosed in and was 40 degrees F. out there the other day. yes 40 is cold to me :lol: I have a rocking chair out there and a small fan for the window to pull the smoke out.

That's called a Michigan Room.
There are times (when I pay the utility bills, or have to fix a water heater, dishwasher, get the furnace serviced) that I wish I didn't own and have to be responsible for my house... Then I read a thread like this while sitting at my computer in my parlor drawing on a bowl full of something, and it makes me glad I have this place.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I smoked in my room at my desk tonight. window open fan in window for exhaust. no good. room still smelled like smoke. It's a fairly large room 21x14 so maybe i just need a bigger fan :thumbup:

but then again i'm sure if i smoked here every day eventually my bed and closet would smell like smoke. ahh well. back to the frigid porch/outside.
Do you have two windows to open? Then you can get fresh air in and smoke out. Fabric will also hold a lot of smoke.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Do you have two windows to open? Then you can get fresh air in and smoke out. Fabric will also hold a lot of smoke.
i got 3 windows but being so cold out i only opened one. today you cant even tell i smoked in here at all. but that's after leaving the fan in the window for an hour and lighting several candles.
i got 3 windows but being so cold out i only opened one. today you cant even tell i smoked in here at all. but that's after leaving the fan in the window for an hour and lighting several candles.

I was going to say cold smold but then I saw it was -4C (24F) in your area, t-shirt weather for us hardy northern folk :p but a good wind right into the window would put a damper on things pretty fast. I would suggest in the spring/summer that when you can get some good air flow to try again. Or buy all the scented candles.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I was going to say cold smold but then I saw it was -4C (24F) in your area, t-shirt weather for us hardy northern folk :p but a good wind right into the window would put a damper on things pretty fast. I would suggest in the spring/summer that when you can get some good air flow to try again. Or buy all the scented candles.
25F now! got a warm front moving through. I do enjoy scented candles...
When I first moved in with my wife, before we were married, we were both cigarette smokers and enjoyed smoking inside. I have fond memories of the ash tray next to the computer, coffee table, kitchen table, etc. It did stink the place up, but we were both smokers and almost never had house-guests. The party was over as soon as we decided to have kids. Now I can smell the jacket I wear outside to smoke my pipe and wonder how I lived in a house that smelled like that. Then I remember that being able to smoke inside was worth it.

What I'd give to enjoy a nice bowl of bacci in the warm comfort of my living room... well, both kids should be off to college in about 17 years or so, guess I'll have to wait! :sad:
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