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IF you are an owner of a Feather AS-D1 . . .

Hi Gents: Hope all is well with you & your families. I fortunately won a bid (Feather AS-D1) on this year's Saint Sue Moore Memorial Fundraising for Breast Cancer 2013. It was an honor to give to a worthy cause. I am super excited about this DE razor and I just wanted to hear your thoughts on this razor such as performance, looks, feel, and handling.

Hopefully. . . my AS-D1 will arrive some time next week. In the mean time. . . I look forward to reading your thoughts on the AS-D1.


REAL MEN WEAR PINK: Proud Sponsor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Hi Gents: Hope all is well with you & your families. I fortunately won a bid (Feather AS-D1) on this year's Saint Sue Moore Memorial Fundraising for Breast Cancer 2013. It was an honor to give to a worthy cause. I am super excited about this DE razor and I just wanted to hear your thoughts on this razor such as performance, looks, feel, and handling.

Hopefully. . . my AS-D1 will arrive some time next week. In the mean time. . . I look forward to reading your thoughts on the AS-D1.


REAL MEN WEAR PINK: Proud Sponsor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month

As you know, the AS-D1 engenders strong opinions. The one thing almost everyone agrees on is that it is beautifully engineered and flawlessly manufactured.
I use the handle on my Gillette New OC's. I felt the head was an inadequate shaving tool and sold it. The buyer later expressed the same opinion.

The design is different from many DEs in that it places the blade edge on the skin and no more. If your angle is not right, you are rewarded with stubble not blood or irritation. This will allow you to do things like a buffing Gillette slide while doing a skin stretch on the soft skin trouble areas of the neck. I think the razor is great, but not everyone shares my view. Wouldn't it be a boring world if all our wants were the same....:)


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I use mine regularly and get BBS in 3 passes.

the best made razor I have ever owned, seen or handled.

enjoy and don't give up on it if it doesn't work out the first few times. A bit steeper of an angle, sharp Ladd and patience and you'll be fine.

congrats on the Sue Moore Auction Win.
Congrats on the new razor!

i used mine today, first time in about a month, loaded with a fresh Feather blade. It yielded a BBS shave and reminded me that I should reach for this razor more.

I think that it is a great razor that takes only a few runs to dial into a BBS shave.
It is known to be rather mild and if you don't get the angle right, it won't cut anything but just scrape the lather off your skin. Try it with the sharpest blade you have in your stash - most likely a Feather :wink2:, it has been specificly designed for this blade.
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