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If Not the Best, Surely the Most Popular

Based on less than scientific study I believe I may have found out what are the three most owned/used/talked about brushes.

Perusing many, many posts about the topic of shave brushes the same trio of brushes is seemingly mentioned more than others

...in no specific order

1. Semogue 1305
2. Omega Pro 48/49
3. Simpson Duke 2

I own 2 out of the 3, but no Duke (have a Simpson Emperor 2 and Colonel..no need for another Simpson)

What may this indicate?

-face lather capability is important; all these brushes are great in that respect
-noting the significant absence of floppy silvertips, backbone is a desirable trait
-expense will always be a concern, but not overly so (Dukes are about $95 of late, but the boars are 85-90% cheaper)

Now creams and soaps??

Not really going there, but is there ANYONE who hasn't tried Cella, MWF, or Arko??
I have all 3 of the brushes you list and all three of the soaps you list.

GEE... That means..... I must be popular :ihih:
Amazon, bestshave.net (not retail but a good source), Rudy Vey (so I hear) or I'm sure someone can hook you up on the BST site
I don't have any of those brushes (yet) but I do own Cella and Arko (and haven't used them). MWF I am saving for my wife to buy me for Christmas. I need to find a way to shave more than once a day so I can try all the goodies I have been buying up.


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As for the brushes, I've had all 3 in my den and only the 1305 remains. The Omega 49 was too big and too much for me early on. The Duke 2 was too small, and has been replaced with a Duke 3 and it's near perfect all around brush.

As for the soaps, I've had all 3 in my den and none remain and none will be repurchased as I've found my 6 or so that I'll stick with until something new/better knocks them off he podium. Some were given away, some PIF'd and some sold.
Only the Cella, May try the others in future, but I'm fairly soaped at present. Would also like to try Speik.
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