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Identification Help

A wetshaving buddy has asked for my help in identifying a razor he picked up, but unfortunately I have no idea. Any information you can provide would be appreciated. He's started a small collection and really appreciates the history of these items.

He didn't provide any info on the blades but I'll ask.

Mike, it sure looks like that one to me. Alex said you can identify them better by the case, any idea how?
Really nice razor!!
It is very similar to a Yankee razor I have, so I would guess that the Ever Ready would date to 1904-05 ish
It may be a first model ER, but Im not sure about that
Really nice razor!!
It is very similar to a Yankee razor I have, so I would guess that the Ever Ready would date to 1904-05 ish
It may be a first model ER, but Im not sure about that

Yeah. My Yankee (from R & S Manufacturing Co.) is similar, too. Last patent date is 1/19/04, so your razor probably dates to that era.
Missing the stropping attachment in addition to the blades.

Those "blade stops" are different looking. Do you think they've been worn down that much? Or some sort of transition from no blade stops (like older wedge blade lather catchers) to catch the blade with certainty stops?

I'm not sure, he lives about 5 hours from me so it'll be a couple months before I can see it in person. He's going to try a single edge blade and see if it'll work.
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