What suggestions do you have for improving the mess hall? What would get you to hang out here more often?
I have a couple of ideas.
1. We could do a technique of the week thread. We could talk about different techniques like braising, grilling, poaching, sautéing and so on.
The next idea isn't mine, I am *cough* borrowing *cough* it from another site.
2. We plan to cook one dish, everybody cooks the same dish on the same day or close to the same day, if possible we also all use the same recipe. There are tons of recipe sites so it would be easy for us to plan to cook the same thing.
Then we post in the same thread:
What we liked about the recipe
What we didn't like about
What we would change if we cooked it again
What we learned from cooking it
Any mistakes that we made
3. We could also plan to cook the same thing but we use what ever recipe we want, so that we are all cooking slightly different or very different versions of the same thing. And then post just like in 2.
4. How about a kitchen tool thread or kitchen tools in general? What kitchen tool do you have that you couldn't live with out? What tool did you think you couldn't live with out that turned out to be a waste of money and time? What tool do you have that you thought was going to be a waste of time that turned out to be something that you can't do with out now?
5. Cook books. We could do cook book reviews.
6. I have several cook books, maybe we could do a cook book pass where each member gets the cook book for a week or two and agrees to cook one recipe from the cook book and post the results in the mess hall and then send it on to the next member. I think that for this to work the cook book would have to be small so postage isn't prohibitive but it would also need to be pretty diverse so that there is a large selection of recipes.
7. This is also an idea that isn't mine but it can be a lot of fun. We cook our way through a cook book.
What other things can we do to make the Mess Hall even better?
I have a couple of ideas.
1. We could do a technique of the week thread. We could talk about different techniques like braising, grilling, poaching, sautéing and so on.
The next idea isn't mine, I am *cough* borrowing *cough* it from another site.
2. We plan to cook one dish, everybody cooks the same dish on the same day or close to the same day, if possible we also all use the same recipe. There are tons of recipe sites so it would be easy for us to plan to cook the same thing.
Then we post in the same thread:
What we liked about the recipe
What we didn't like about
What we would change if we cooked it again
What we learned from cooking it
Any mistakes that we made
3. We could also plan to cook the same thing but we use what ever recipe we want, so that we are all cooking slightly different or very different versions of the same thing. And then post just like in 2.
4. How about a kitchen tool thread or kitchen tools in general? What kitchen tool do you have that you couldn't live with out? What tool did you think you couldn't live with out that turned out to be a waste of money and time? What tool do you have that you thought was going to be a waste of time that turned out to be something that you can't do with out now?
5. Cook books. We could do cook book reviews.
6. I have several cook books, maybe we could do a cook book pass where each member gets the cook book for a week or two and agrees to cook one recipe from the cook book and post the results in the mess hall and then send it on to the next member. I think that for this to work the cook book would have to be small so postage isn't prohibitive but it would also need to be pretty diverse so that there is a large selection of recipes.
7. This is also an idea that isn't mine but it can be a lot of fun. We cook our way through a cook book.
What other things can we do to make the Mess Hall even better?