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idea for razor rack

i don't know if this is original or not (if it's not my apologies to the forefather) but finding myself with several razors that needed stands, i hit upon making one from a test tube rack that holds 12 test tubes. i painted the rack with metallic paint to simulate a brass effect to match the fixtures in the bathroom (could also be painted metallic chrome). the rack is available from: http://www.klk.com/navigation/detail.asp?MySessionID=32-976213940&CatID=118&id=TTRACKWOOD
Looks good. I've seen pipe racks and some types of wire racks used, too.

Here's mine.

Nice looking rack. I've had the same rack for about the past year, but I didn't paint it. Actually I don't use it right now, as I've got my DE's down to just 4, which I keep in a nice chrome and white toothbrush holder. I might have to pain mine up if I put it back into use. Yours looks very nice. :thumbup1:
I really like the genius of using test tube racks, but I'm afraid I need to go Topgumbys route as my collection keeps getting bigger!
I had this exact same idea just 2 days ago, thought it would be perfect and wondered if anybody else had already done the same, now I know. Only difference is I had my mind set on an old wooden one and was thinking how many schools or where I could go to to ask if they had any old ones they didn't want any more, either that or something nice in stainless or even old glass. I will search on.
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