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After my last shave I decided my water wasn't cold enough to splash my face clean and really close up my pores - so, I went to the freezer and pulled out an ice cube and rubbed it across the burn zone (my entire face). It felt great, anyone else tried this? or experimented with any other odd soothing tactics?
I've done something similar . . . Last summer I would fill the sink with cold tap water and then put in about 6-10 ice cubes to really chill it down (about where the temperature would be in winter). Made for a great final rinse after a Proraso shave. :w00t: This summer hasn't seemed as hot as last summer (even though it has been pretty hot), so I just use cold tap water for the final rinse.
Done it the last two shaves and really like the way my face feels. NUMB.
I then pat it down and throw on some ASB.
I tried this this morning... that'll wake you up! Felt really nice. My water pipes run in my attic and it's hot as hell here, so cold water is at best lukewarm at the tap and in the middle of the day it runs hotter than from the hot tap. So, this method is great for me. I can't believe I didn't think of it.
I used to do this after every shave back when I used a Mach III, it was the only way to soothe the dreadful burn. The numb feeling afterwards is awesome :biggrin:
I've really come to enjoy the cold water rinse after a shave. I've been thinking about chilling a cloth and holding it over my face afterwards.
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