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Ice Balm?

I was just skimming through a men's magazine and a question was asked in a section of what is the best way to soothe a face after a shave if you had no kind of aftershave/balm? Ice was the answer. Basically rubbing an ice cube on your face for 15 seconds will decrease bloodflow and cause the muscles around your hair folicles to contract..... Basically "closing" your pores as people tend to refer to is as.

Maybe a great idea in the summertime but not sure how keen I might be about rubbing ice on my face in the middle of winter.
Looking at the thread title, I thought you were referring to Aqua Velva Ice Balm --which has been discontinued; RIP.

I thought that AVIB was among the best Aftershave Balms available. It was killed off, of course, because the product was owned by Combe Inc and they don't know how to market a great product.

-- John Gehman
Cold water closes your pores, I'd hate to use a block of ice lol

I normally shave then wash the lather off with warm water then wash with cold water (which I don't find that pleasant)

I can get nice feeling skin after a shave with no cold water and no balm either, I think ice might be a bit extreme
Ice is the tame way of "cooling" your face. If you want a naked Arctic blast use Osage Rub and put away those ice cubes. :biggrin:
I usually keep a bowl of ice water on the counter with a towel soaking in it while I shave. Towel gets nice and cool and makes face wiping after a shave very pleasant (if you like that degree of coldness).
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