But every time I use them I end up all cut of and bleeding. I prefer feather and 7 o'clock yellow. I just seem to do better with these blades. I really want to like Astra blades. They are cheaper. Not by a whole lot. For right now me and Astra don't get along. I am still making my way through all the blades I have and I will come back to the Astra and give them another try later. For now I am going to use the 7 yellows I am on right now. Then we will see where the blade world takes me. For now I want to like Astra, but I can't lol. My father on the other hand loves Astra blades. So I will always have them around because that is what he uses and likes. Anyway, just thought I would share what was on my mind right now with shaving. Also.... I am not liking my Simpson Duke 2.... I really want to like it. I mean I really, really, really do! My Parker brush just does a way better job for me. That is why everyone always says YMMV. It certainly does.