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I Want To Like Astra Blades

But every time I use them I end up all cut of and bleeding. I prefer feather and 7 o'clock yellow. I just seem to do better with these blades. I really want to like Astra blades. They are cheaper. Not by a whole lot. For right now me and Astra don't get along. I am still making my way through all the blades I have and I will come back to the Astra and give them another try later. For now I am going to use the 7 yellows I am on right now. Then we will see where the blade world takes me. For now I want to like Astra, but I can't lol. My father on the other hand loves Astra blades. So I will always have them around because that is what he uses and likes. Anyway, just thought I would share what was on my mind right now with shaving. Also.... I am not liking my Simpson Duke 2.... I really want to like it. I mean I really, really, really do! My Parker brush just does a way better job for me. That is why everyone always says YMMV. It certainly does.
SPs or SSs?

My first astra SP blade was great, second one not so (may have had a dud). I've got some SSs on the way along with Shark SCs and Personna Reds. Along with the Derby's I've got to start with I'll be going through a "cheap blade bake-off" in the next few weeks.
SPs or SSs?

My first astra SP blade was great, second one not so (may have had a dud). I've got some SSs on the way along with Shark SCs and Personna Reds. Along with the Derby's I've got to start with I'll be going through a "cheap blade bake-off" in the next few weeks.

SP. I have some SSs, but I am holding off on those for now.
But every time I use them I end up all cut of and bleeding. I prefer feather and 7 o'clock yellow. I just seem to do better with these blades. I really want to like Astra blades. They are cheaper. Not by a whole lot. For right now me and Astra don't get along. I am still making my way through all the blades I have and I will come back to the Astra and give them another try later. For now I am going to use the 7 yellows I am on right now. Then we will see where the blade world takes me. For now I want to like Astra, but I can't lol. My father on the other hand loves Astra blades. So I will always have them around because that is what he uses and likes. Anyway, just thought I would share what was on my mind right now with shaving. Also.... I am not liking my Simpson Duke 2.... I really want to like it. I mean I really, really, really do! My Parker brush just does a way better job for me. That is why everyone always says YMMV. It certainly does.

I'll take 'em! Both of 'em! Free of charge, too!

In all seriousness, you're right about YMMV. Don't get caught up on how much something costs. If it works for you, just enjoy it.
I'll take 'em! Both of 'em! Free of charge, too!

In all seriousness, you're right about YMMV. Don't get caught up on how much something costs. If it works for you, just enjoy it.

The cost really isn't a factor. I have spent a ton of money on wetshaving and if it costs me a little more for blades. It is not a big deal at all. I just have to find the one that works for me and becomes my go to blade.
funny I was gonna stop by my local spot and pick up a sample pack (out of stock last time). been meaning to try them. my first 100 pk was crystals platinum after using over 12 blades.
YMMV is so true. I despise Gillete yellows and very irritating to me. derbys are ok
I bought 100 Derbys, 100 Astras and 100 Vokshods. I have some other samples that came to me with other things such as Rapira, Feather Gillette 7 o"clock blue wrapper. Astras strike a nice balance between price and performance.
Gotta do what works for you, yeah, ASTRA's have a great reputation and I love them as they are sharp and last, but it really is a personal thing, I use the ASTRA's in my 38c and 7 o'clock greens in my FB as I like the idea of Gillette product in Gillette razor, I am also very lucky as I have yet to find a blade I cannot use
The Astra SP and the Feather are my go to blades. I ended up ordering a carton of each. I'm wondering if you just don't like the Astra in the razor you're using. Are you just using one razor or rotating through more because I've found that there's blade / razor pairings that work well and not so well (though I'd be hard-pressed to name any right now).

I just worked through several weeks with the black and yellow Gillette 7 O'clocks then the Feather and back to the Astra, rotating through my different razors. I found I only got four good shaves with the Feather but got up to seven with the other blades (I change my blades on Monday whether they need changing or not).

Good luck!
The Astra SP and the Feather are my go to blades. I ended up ordering a carton of each. I'm wondering if you just don't like the Astra in the razor you're using. Are you just using one razor or rotating through more because I've found that there's blade / razor pairings that work well and not so well (though I'd be hard-pressed to name any right now).

I just worked through several weeks with the black and yellow Gillette 7 O'clocks then the Feather and back to the Astra, rotating through my different razors. I found I only got four good shaves with the Feather but got up to seven with the other blades (I change my blades on Monday whether they need changing or not).

Good luck!

I am using the same razor. My Merkur Progress. I have other razors, but this is my first razor and the one I used to compare blades with. I will find a blade that is perfect for it and then move to one of my other razors.
I hear you. What was I thinking when I said to my wife, "But honey, look at how much cheaper the blades are!" Then came the brushes, creams, oils, balms, lotions, scents...
I am in the same boat. I want to like Astra SP but they just seem too rough for me. Astras are sharp, but Feathers are sharper and smoother. 100 Feathers can be had on ebay for around $28 after shipping if you look around. Feathers and Crystals were my first 100 blade purchase. I am thinking of the Persona Lab Blue may be my next (after Gentlemanly restraint of course :001_smile ). As always YMMV and alot of people really love the Astras, they just didn't work for me.
I do like Astras, but I find Personna Reds to give me a noticeably smoother shave. They're the perfect middle ground between smoothness and sharpness for my face.

And have you tried a milder razor? Astras in a blue-tip or a Tech work pretty well.
Love the ASTRA SP's. WOrk great for me in my Merkur HD 34c. Also like the Gillette 7o'clock blacks but seem to get les shaves with them.
Have you tried Personna Labs? I could send you a few if you haven't.

They are as sharp as Feathers without the (to me) initial roughness.
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