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I took the plunge

Well guys, I did it and bought my first real straight. See here. How'd I do?

Now if I could just get some of Joel's shave soap..... :wink:

I don't know the brand and it doesn't say 'Solingen" so it might be questionable. Somebody with more knowledge might be better able to advise. It looks in good shape though and I hope it makes a great shaver for you.

You bought it from altima55, so it will be in extremely good condition, and honed very well. He has an excellent reputation around here.
No he isn't a member on any shave forums. He just sells distressed razors that have been very well restored. The one you bought is nothing special but should give you good shaves.
Thanks guys. It sounds like I got what I was looking for. A good shaver and I was more than willing to trade "wow" factor for price at this point. Tho I could kick myself for not getting the one TimmyBoston had up recently. But, that's what happens when you procrastinate.
The eBay razor arrived in today's mail; now I'm just waiting for a strop to arrive. Hopefully, I'll have my first real straight shave over the weekend.
The strop from well shaved gentleman arrived today, so it looks like Sunday (when I'll have time) will be my first real straight shave. Tho, I have to admit that I've already nicked an ear lobe trying to figure out how to see through my own hand and to shave the other (non dominant) side of my face (not ambidextrous enough to switch).
I wasn't ambidextrous enough, either, or so I thought, but the side of my face shaved with my off hand usually turns out smoother.
Today was the day....

I stropped the razor, somehow managing to flip on the spine, not the edge most of the time at least and I lathered up with some Grafton.

I was nervous and had trouble keeping a consistent blade angle from moment to moment (blade wobble), but somehow I managed to shave the right side of my face (I'm right handed) and my left cheek reasonably well. Left throat went undone and right throat was really sub par. 2 passes only for everything lest I get too cocky (no chance of that). Final pass was with my Merkur DE so I didn't look totally scruffy or poorly shaved.

I think this is doable, in general, but I don't have the time to practice consistently. I definitely need practice to reduce the nerves and to work out how to access all areas of my face without cutting off an ear or taking a bite outa my throat.

I also still have to work out whether to shave one handed as with a DE or to try to work on ambidextrous shaving.

I should also mention, no blood involved in any of the above.
Takes some time to really feel comfortable with a straight. I started out much the same way...shaky and inconsistent, but in just over 2 weeks I'm getting really close smooth shaves.

Keep it up.
Keep trying, you'll get it. Learning the technique's not all that hard, it's learning to hone and sticking with it that are difficult. I've only been doing it for a little while, and it's working well for me.

Try shaving alone, and put on some good music-relaxing good music-maybe classical, and focus on pre-shave prep, relaxing with the music, warm lather, and warm towels. Being relaxed when you start should help you with your jitters.

Maybe smoke a cigar while you prep, if you're into that.

As far as the ambidextrously challenged part, try brushing your teeth with your off hand, I hear that helps.

And congrats on your first razor and blood-free straight razor shave!
As far as the ambidextrously challenged part, try brushing your teeth with your off hand, I hear that helps.

Strangely enough, I'm right handed, but brush my teeth lefty. I literally cannot brush righty and when I wore contact lenses, I also could not deal with them righty. Tho, if family lore is correct, I'm very possibly a natural lefty who was "converted" even before school started. :confused:
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