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I think I understand the fatboy love now.

Hey guys, just a quick post as to why I think EVERYONE has to have/loves the fatboy....

It's the Red Tip of Gilette Adjustables!!!

I love my Red Tip SS, and I have to say the large/heavy head on the Fatboy allows it to be more agressive than a slim. It also feels dangerously similar to the head design of the Red Tip. I loaded up my fat boy and shaved the neckline (growing out a beard for no shave november) the other day. This was my first experience with it so far, and the only thing I have to say is holy efficiency! This thing works awesome. So glad I was able to get one for 10$ at a local antique shop.

What do you all think? Red Tip SS's get good reviews around here, and seem to sell for a bit higher than Regular SupeSpeeds. The fatboy seems to get good reviews, and sell for more than the slim.

Just my 2 cents. But after using one, I think I get why people will pay so much for them now.
Great heft and adjustable. A little skill and easy to shave under the nose etc, got to at least have one in rotation, surely. :thumbup1:
I shouldn't read threads like this, because it makes me want to get a Fatboy. :001_tongu They also just look cooler than Slims and Super Adjustables in my opinion.
They're just such a solid piece of construction. I have a G1 fatboy and this thing works awesome for being 52 years old!

and Tepp, get one, but don't pay ebay prices. I definitly think they're worth up to 30-40 bucks, but no more.
LOVE the RedTip. A whole new dimension, Aggressive- but only to hair, not to skin!

Tried a Slim-meh. Maybe my technique was still a little shaky, but I just kept cutting myself. Sold it on BST.

Been shaving with a Fatboy for the past week. No cuts, good level of efficiency/aggression, and of course a great looking tool.

Yaah, I paid a little too much ($49), but it did come with case. All in all, I love it. So much so that I lost my mind a little and ordered a short Black Beauty...
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