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I think I ruined my Provence Sante

Last week I bought a puck of unused Provence Sante, which arrived on Friday. As I recall, I did a quick shave with it and had no irritation, but I'm not 100% sure. Anyway, that afternoon I used an old cheese grater I had lying around to mill it down into a bowl I bought for it at Target.

I shaved with it on Sunday and Monday, and both times were extremely irritating. I brainstormed and came up with several possibilities, including an allergy to an ingredient, something in the water, small rust spots I later noticed on the grater (or something else on it), bacteria on my equipment, and so on. Today I did some shaveless tests to try and figure out the problem. Because I'm not dragging a blade over my face when it's irritated, the burning goes down within a couple of hours rather than needing an entire day, but its presence tells me what I need to know.

Test 1: I lathered my face with the Provence Sante and left it on there for a few minutes. This was to confirm that I could feel irritation without shaving, and I did. It also means my razor was not the cause, since the irritation appeared without using it.
Test 2: A couple of hours later, I flipped a puck of VDH, which has never given me trouble, and grated a small part of the unused end of that with the same grater. I lathered with those gratings, and also got irritation, although not quite as much. This seems to indicate that an ingredient in the Sante was not the problem.
Test 3: After that irritation went down, I cleaned my brush with shampoo to remove anything that might still be on it from the bad soaps. Then I lathered with the usual (non-grated) end of my VDH soap to confirm that it would not irritate me. There was a very slight bit of irritation, probably because it's been irritated so much lately, or maybe I didn't get the brush 100% clean. At any rate, the difference was noticeable enough that I'm willing to say that there's no problem with VDH.
Test 4: After that, I lathered one side with the Sante, and had to wash it off within a couple of minutes. Just to be sure, I lathered the other side with VDH, and had no problems. It seems the logical conclusion is that rust or some sort of bacteria on the grater is the cause.

To my noob knowledge, it seems this puck is ruined. But it seems like great stuff, and I'd hate to throw it out after spending almost $10 on it. Has this happened to anyone else? Would anybody happen to know of any ways to disinfect it?

Well... from your testing it sounds like there was something on the cheese grater...

Also, you probably want to clean that brush with something more potent than shampoo maybe borax or even (careful!), Barbicide.

As for what happened with the cheese grater, now that is a mystery...
That grater had been sitting out in a college kid's kitchen for three years. I don't even want to know what was on it, haha. I grated a little more of the VDH to be sure, and it's definitely the cause. Since it's been cleaned a couple of times, I would assume it's the rust, but who knows for sure. Who cares, it's in the trash now.

I used shampoo because it was convenient, but after this little misadventure I might go digging around for some borax. I guess vinegar will do if I can't find any of that.
It may be an allergy. Sometimes you won't have an allergic reaction the first time you are exposed to an allergen. Then next time you're exposed, or even multiple exposures later, all bets are off.
could also be higher concentration of scent oils away from outer layer of puck where scent oils dissipate into the air..

P.S. Provence Sante burned me like crazy. I only used it once. I love their AS Splashes though. SUCH good scents.
could also be higher concentration of scent oils away from outer layer of puck where scent oils dissipate into the air..

P.S. Provence Sante burned me like crazy. I only used it once. I love their AS Splashes though. SUCH good scents.

I used the soap and Green Tea aftershave and cologne for the first time today. Really great products. I love the soap (I didn't mill it--I never do), and the Green Tea is really nice and smells wonderful. The only thing is, I wish it had alcohol, because I missed the sting.
I don't get this grating thing. so what if it doesn't fit perfectly in a bowl.

the time I tried grating, the soap still shrunk up and ended up falling out of the bowl anyway.

leave well enough alone I say.. :biggrin:
To my noob knowledge, it seems this puck is ruined. But it seems like great stuff, and I'd hate to throw it out after spending almost $10 on it. Has this happened to anyone else? Would anybody happen to know of any ways to disinfect it?


The only thing that might work to disinfect the soap is heat.
It's not a glycerin soap, and it's not a tallow soap.
Shea butter and vegetable oils IIRC.

I don't know how it will react in the microwave.
I suspect it will probably just burn :eek:

Maybe try a small portion in the microwave and see if it liquefies?

Otherwise it's probably junk...

But a refill puck is only $10.
You could just start over, just don't mill it with a rusty cheese grater :lol:
Good to know I'm not the only one who was burned (literally) by PS. I've got an itch to try their Green Tea aftershave; it's full of witch hazel, which works wonders on me, and it seems nobody has anything bad to say about its scent. Chances are it'll be in my next supplies order, which should be soon given that I need new blades to try. :biggrin:

I've since bought some Pre de Provence and L'Occitane soaps, and so far the PdP is working out well. Haven't tried the L'Occitane yet, but I like both of their scents better than the PS anyway, so whether it's the fault of an allergy or the nasty grater, I don't think I'll be buying it again. It's just a little too sweet for my tastes.

I might decide to give it away, disclosing the grater mishap. If it doesn't burn the next person's face, then he gets lucky and gets a good French soap for free. If it does burn, then at least he was warned and didn't pay any money for a puck I ruined.
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