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I need help with boy names. You guys up to the task?

Hi gents. My wife is finally expecting our second child NINE years after the birth of our daughter. Better late than never, though. I'm hoping for a boy this time, and I'd like your thoughts on names. I tend towards old-fashioned names that are not in heavy use anymore. Right now I'm liking:

Henry Alexander
Henry Archer

I obviously like Henry as a first name. The middle name is wide open, but I want an "older" sounding name there as well. Thanks for your consideration!
I've always thought my name has being "old-fashioned" but as I've grown up I have really come to like it, a lot of people find it that it gives me a strong "vibe" lol. My first name is Hamilton.

Henry Hamilton?
If you are after H names: Hamish is one you don't here in this country very often (Gaelic). You could be pretty confident that there won't be another boy in school with the same name as yours
Where are your forefathers from David? My (relatively young) nephews are Campbell John and Angus Douglas- great names which point to their heritage.
Ireland on my father's side and Germany on my mother's side. There's some native American in there too, just as can be said for many Americans.

Where are your forefathers from David? My (relatively young) nephews are Campbell John and Angus Douglas- great names which point to their heritage.
Ireland on my father's side and Germany on my mother's side. There's some native American in there too, just as can be said for many Americans.

And you know there will be some Roman and Viking blood thrown in there if you look far enough back. Too much raiding and pillaging going on in the way back years :001_smile
I know a thing or two about names, since I conceived of this brilliant moniker that is my username. I also named a B&B member's stuffed wombat, which is absolutely on my resume.

I like Henry Alexander. Or Henry James, after the novelist. But Henry Alexander sounds very aristocratic.
I think Henry Alexander sounds great, but is also sounds extremely old fashioned. How about a more modern name? I am not talking about something off of the wall, like Star or Zane, but something more along the lines of a name that would appear in a 2013 or 2012 top boys' names list.
I can understand where you're coming from. It all seems to be hinged on the middle name, in my opinion. For what it's worth, and for reference, my daughter's name is Madeleine Genevieve. We went kinda crazy with her too. Her first name is actually popular, but we used the old French spelling that no one else uses anymore.

I think Henry Alexander sounds great, but is also sounds extremely old fashioned. How about a more modern name? I am not talking about something off of the wall, like Star or Zane, but something more along the lines of a name that would appear in a 2013 or 2012 top boys' names list.
Sorry that I forgot to congratulate the three of you in my earlier post. Best wishes for the new arrival.

Henry is certainly a strong boy's/man's name. If you wanted to mate it with an Irish name, perhaps Fergus, Donal or Conor.
Thanks for all the congratulations, though it took nothing on my part. I just had to do something that I love doing anyway!

As for Henry being a "strong" name - I agree. That is why I like it. Though I think it strikes a perfect balance between strong and artistic/introspective. I think of two people instantly when I hear the name: John Henry (of hammer swinging fame) and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (one of my favorite Post-Impressionist painters). So, to me, Henry is a guy who can paint you a beautiful picture and then smash all of your teeth down your throat if you insult his technique.
Henry Alexander is great. We used Kirk Alexander for our youngest son's name. As you know, the middle name is mostly there to let the child know when they are really in trouble. Alexander, when spoken in a stern tone, really gets that across!
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