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I need a green ink

Well I have this Parker "21" that was a $5 dollar pen from the flea market. It was scratched, the cap is shot but I figured it could be saved. It still has the original sac, the nib is good and smooth and I just came in from the shop and buffed it out. The pen body came out fantastic! The cap is still junk, but that is ok...for now.

I'm not really a big fan of green, but this pen is green and had green ink residue in it so I figure I need a nice green ink! I don't want a "christmas" green, but something with some machismo, or a more stately look to it. I have a good selection of papers, so a moderate saturation would be best. I could also be swayed into the lighter spring green colors as well, but with winter coming I like the darker, I think.





OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I like Noodlers forest green. A nice dark green, not too bright and flashy.
I've only used one, but I think Pelikan Brilliant Green is a great shade. I'd say it is a middle of the road green
Too bad Mont Blanc British Racing Green is no longer around. Now there was a green ink.

+1. It's still my daily driver. I'm quite sad that it's gone, and that my supply is nearing the same status. Sailor Epinard has been recommended to me as a good replacement, though I've not yet pulled the trigger.
For green I have and like Private Reserve Avocado or Edelstein Aventurine for brighter Greens. For darker green I like Sailor Jentle Epinard, and blackish green 5 O'clock Shadow!
Thanx for all the suggestions! I have been bouncing back and forth from goulet's site and here and am seeing some great suggestions. I may consider something more of a true green because I use lots of off-white and sepia toned papers that may just influence the green-black colors to appear black. Let's use Moleskine paper color as a standard, which green shows well on something like this?

I don't collect inks, I have just a few which is why I am trying to get what I think I want right from the start.

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