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I like these boots but worry about what others think

Do you like these boots?

  • Keep the black boots.

  • Keep the brown boots.

  • Keep both pairs of boots.

  • Ditch both and wear regular shoes.

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I like these boots and would wear them under a pair of straight leg Ralph Lauren Jeans. Possibly even with a t-shirt and leather jacket. They fit good and feel comfortable, however, I do not see many guys wearing anything similar. I would wear them only on weekends with jeans. Do you think this style is too feminine or dressy in any way that it would attract negative attention or criticism?
If you like the boots, wear them and don't worry about other's opinions. It only matters if you like them.
Those boots are cute!

Haha, just joking. They look great and the brown ones are similar to a pair I wear.

Enjoy them!
I live in NYC, and have a similar pair -- but they're actual cowboy boots. With a plain toe, nobody can tell. They're great, versatile boots. Wear them under jeans or even with a suit.

Nothing feminine about them.:thumbup:
I like these boots and would wear them under a pair of straight leg Ralph Lauren Jeans. ... however, I do not see many guys wearing anything similar.

There's an old smutty joke with the punch line, "Who do you think I'm here to make happy?" If you like the boots (and they're good looking boots!), wear them and don't worry about not seeing many other people wearing anything similar. One of the attributes of good style is making yourself feel good.
If you like them, go for it.

(My own personal aesthetic preferences would have me looking if they had the same boot without the zipper, but that's just me.)

Perfectly masculine boots.

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
Keep them, just make sure your pants are always over them...They are right now great with all the snow.
Dude, those are Man boots all the way. Enjoy them!

Thanks for the vote of confidence. :thumbup1: The boots are actually a modern take on a classic motorcycle boot.

The reason I am asking is because I have asked several women about the boots and most were negative about their answers. I have heard the following (no joke): 1)the boots look better and more expensive than shoes they would wear. 2) I may attract more attention than the women I am seen with. 3) It reminds them of the Village People or George Michael. 4) It looks like I'm trying too hard to pick up women or flash cash. 5) The boots make me look intimidating and would scare women away. 6) Only celebrities would/could pull that off and I am not one. 7) I will attract the wrong crowd if I wear those. 8) I look like I am "coming out of the closet".

I'm not wearing these specifically to hook up with anyone. I just like the way they look and the way they make me feel. Up until a few years ago I would only wear sneakers for fear of drawing too much attention. Now, at 38 years of age, I feel like finally loosening up. Maybe women feel differently.
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The black would be better. I wouldn't call those cowboy boots imo. I don't care if justin boots sells them on there web site my opinion on boots is different than others. But the black boots would look good with jeans. Just don't tuck them in the boot not saying you would just a little advice.
no way... send them to me for proper disposal (but only if they're 11 1/2's :001_tongu)

i'd wear these in rural GA, so you're safe in NY :thumbup1:

EDIT: i just realized my avatar doesn't help the masculine/feminine issue... :blush:
Those look like a pair that my paper mill logger uncle had when I was a kid. If he wears them, they're automatically manly. He looked like an old country song.
Maybe it's just me, but I rarely ask a woman for her opinion on the way I dress. I'm married too, and still don't worry about it. I also live in the NYC area and really, it doesn't matter unless you are around a bunch of fashion victims who have nothing better to do than complain over your clothing choices. Be comfortable, be happy and match those boots up with something that is complimentary. They are manly and will not make you look like an axe murderer unless the rest of the outfit conveys the same image. Not sure what the price is on those boots but really, if you're ok with it, rock those things until the soles fall off. Then get them re-soled.:thumbup1:
These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do
one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.
FWIW, the missus was reading over my shoulder during my reply. Her response was as follows:
"tell him he's hanging out with the wrong women. Those boots in black are awesome!! Find out where he got them so I can get you a pair."

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