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I keep a soap cake in a coffee cup...

...and fill it with hot water before I shower. Then I (after shower) dump the hot water, refill it, dump it again. Then I get some Trumpers cream on my brush and start building lather on the cake. After I am done, I rinse out the mug and leave it on the counter, with the soap inside. Is this okay, or is there a better way to get superlather or store the soap.

That's fine and you don't need to rinse out and waste your lather. It will dry down and you can reconstitute it another day.
It's seems fine to me. I rarely do superlather, and I don't soak my soap, but I have been leaving my soap in a coffee mug (an lathering on top of the soap) for about 16 years without a problem.


The wife's investment
Soap stores well in a mug. If you don't use it every day you might want to cover it just to keep the dust out. I typically leave mine in a mug until it is gone.
I keep each flavor of soap in it’s own mug, complete with cover. Go to the Wal-Mart kitchen supply aisle, lots of perfect sized vessels complete with lids at cheap enough to be extravagant prices. Makes it quick and easy to dribble in some water to hydrate the puck as I heat the whole mug up in a pan of hot water while I decide which razor to use. Makes a huge difference in the quality and speed of lather building, and nice warm lather. When I am done I just leave the excess lather in the container, cover it until next time, and don’t feel like I am wasting anything. I’m not even that sure the lid is necessary, but of late I’ve been using tallow based soaps more often and they do dry out and crack quickly if not kept covered. And the covers, if flat, make stacking the mugs easy.
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