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I just want to say I'm furious

I put a nice crack in the edge of a Wade and Butcher I just got off ebay. It was nice...6/8, I made my first mod and rounded the tip, sanded all the pitting, did one greaseless pass with the dremel, and on the second...caught the edge...I'm an idiot.

It's a total loss. But the scales (original horn) are in perfect condition. I know I can just get another WB and fix 'er up, but any time a razor dies, I just cry a bit inside...they ain't making any more
Has anyone tried using a tig welder to repair cracks? Your working with the metal already present not adding any. You might try a welding shop and see what they say. Fill the crack and resurface the area in question and you should be good to go. Sounds good anyway......
Any heat over about 250 degrees will kill the temper of the blade. The tig is capable of that small of a weld but when you get to the edge its just going to melt it. Without adding material to the crack it is going to creat a furrow. If you were to add material it would make a raised section. In order to fix the raised section you would have to grind that area out. The chance that you would be able to match the original grind and then retemper the entire blade and have it be a good shaver again would be infinitesimal. I am a tig welder by profession and have welded some pretty thin stuff, but most of the time its not worth it.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I learnt the hard way. Dremels and blades don't mix. I too feel your pain.
Any heat over about 250 degrees will kill the temper of the blade. The tig is capable of that small of a weld but when you get to the edge its just going to melt it. Without adding material to the crack it is going to creat a furrow. If you were to add material it would make a raised section. In order to fix the raised section you would have to grind that area out. The chance that you would be able to match the original grind and then retemper the entire blade and have it be a good shaver again would be infinitesimal. I am a tig welder by profession and have welded some pretty thin stuff, but most of the time its not worth it.


My dad and sister are also a tig welders (for over 40 yrs for my dad and 20 yrs for sister.) They have both worked with metal this thin as well as many exotics. As blademasterii pointed out, any heat that would be capable of welding the crack would destroy the temper. Also because you dont know the exact make up of the metal used for the blade you could never find the correct filler rod to weld with..(you could come close but never match it)... so even if you could weld the crack.. grind the blade back to its original grind, because in all likelyhood you now have 2 different metals you could never get the same degree of temper on the edge not to mention honing issues.
I put a nice crack in the edge of a Wade and Butcher I just got off ebay. It was nice...6/8, I made my first mod and rounded the tip, sanded all the pitting, did one greaseless pass with the dremel, and on the second...caught the edge...I'm an idiot.


magnetic blade holder is the answer.... there are vendors here on B&B that make and sell them :thumbup1:

Not me... I can make lots of things but thats not one of them :tongue_sm
Oh man that sucks...really sucks. But hey, you can always post pics so the boards can tell you how bad it sucks and that life will go on! :tongue_sm
I'm ashamed.



Ha, that would be awesome, but I lack the tools, sadly. (hence the dremel).

If anyone would like to volunteer their services, I'd be happy to take them up on it so long as the price is reasonable.
Why not use your Dremel to make a thumb notch. Take your time, keep the grind cool, think happy thoughts etc.......
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