Like the title said I just finished the book, about 10 minutes ago. Finishing the book also means that I finished the series The Wheel of Time. I have to admit there is an emotional hit when I closed the back cover. I have been reading this series for almost 2 years, three days short of two full years to be exact. Others have been reading and rereading the series for the last 20 years like my uncle who I am sure will be restarting it since he moved on to other series a while ago. I know it isn't the same for some people but I have always been an avid reader, and for me books are like old friends you visit every now and again and a trip to the library or book store is like making new friends that in turn you can share with your real friends. I am not going to spoil anything from the book or the series on the whole but I can say for the last two years it has been a hell of an adventure and I am glad that Mr. Jordan's work was not only completed but completed well.
Happy Reading,
Happy Reading,