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I just bought my first pack of 100 blades

well, just pressed the "Submit" button on Paypal :)

PolSilver Super Iridiums. They give me 5-6 bloodless shaves compared to a Derby, Merkur, Astra, Gillette Greens and Yellows, Permasharps, Supermax.

I know I am paying a bomb for the pack of 100, but I won't be spending anything on blades for the next 18-24 months I guess :)

I just ordered a few blade samples, including Polsilver SIs. I'm looking forward to see what they're all about. A pack of 100 will cost pretty much exactly the same as a 4-pack of Fusion carts, so I have no hesitations if they are what they are made to be.

(Here's my order, because someone probably wants to know)
10 x Gillette NACET Stainless (RUS)
10 x Gillette Silver Blue Stainless (RUS)
12 x Gillette Super Thin PLATINUM (CHN)
12 x Gillette Super Thin Stainless (CHN)
10 x Polsilver Super Iridium Extra Stainless (RUS)
10 x Super-Max Platinum Double Edge Razor Blades
10 x TIMOR Stainless Double Edge Blades
10 x Treet Durasharp Carbon

Trying out "pricy and/or interesting" this time.
I just ordered a few blade samples, including Polsilver SIs. I'm looking forward to see what they're all about. A pack of 100 will cost pretty much exactly the same as a 4-pack of Fusion carts, so I have no hesitations if they are what they are made to be.

That's a good way of looking at it. It still amazes me that a safety razor, which is decidedly "old" technology, shaves so much better that the most modern razors. And costs less. :001_smile
Polsilver SI is a fantastic blade that lasts longer than many others in my experience. Along with red personnas and Astra SPs, you can't go wrong with picking up 100 of them
Polsilvers are my go to blade. The fact I can stretch them out to 6 or 7 shaves justifies the cost of the 100 pack. However, the fact they are smooth and comfortable make them worth it, no matter what the price.
Good choice. Polsilver SI's and Gillette Silver Blues are two blades that consistantly give me 7 good shaves or so from one blade. Congratulations.

Every time I place an order with an online vendor I look through their blade section and grab a couple packs of blades I have not tried. Last order I got 2 packs of KAI blades.....


If this Wilkie I have been using for the past month would DIE I could try out some of the new blades I have received... DIE b!+¢h
well, just pressed the "Submit" button on Paypal :)

PolSilver Super Iridiums. They give me 5-6 bloodless shaves compared to a Derby, Merkur, Astra, Gillette Greens and Yellows, Permasharps, Supermax.

I know I am paying a bomb for the pack of 100, but I won't be spending anything on blades for the next 18-24 months I guess :)

The first hundred - the point when you know you committed to this way if shaving. Congrats!


Needs milk and a bidet!
really nice blades from what I hear around here. I think i've tried them but can't remember, they are on the list to try again.

My first 100 purchase was Derby from the BST here. for $5 shipped I had to do it. I ended up trading most of them (through the BST) for feathers and voskhods.

second 100 purchase was Supermax Super Stainless, also from the BST and also traded some of them and gave some away in PIFs
That is the right start :001_smile

I have:
200 Personna Reds (my favorite DE blades)
250 Wilkinson Sword Profile cartridges (Atra compatible)
100 Personna PII cartridges (Trac compatible)

Me hoarding? .... noooooo :lol:
I still need to do a bulk order but I still have loads of Personnas and my first feather pack. I might split them 50/50 so I have a good supply of each and it costs the same.
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