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I haven't washed my face in 20 years - need a little help please.

When I was 15 or so I got a prescription for Accutane because of some annoying and stubborn acne. Before the days of Proactiv and other skin care treatments of today it was either get on Accutane or be called "Pizza Face."

While that was probably the harshest thing I put my body through (look up the side effects) I have probably had 5 pimples in the last 20 years. When it's time to go ten-toes up I take out my contacts, brush me teeth and go to bed. When I wake up in the morning I take a shower (don't wash the face) brush teeth, and other basic hygienic things and I'm out the door.

That Accutane was so effective that I just never developed the habit of washing my face and I haven't really faced acne consequences by not doing so.

Now that I'm on here I see that there are many options to take care of yourself. I'd like to do a bit of preventative maintenance/care for my face and body.

I'd love some recommendations of a routine with or without product suggestions. For example I don't know if you exfoliate and then tone or what. The only real thing I put on my face other than shaving soap is Ogalla Bay Rum with Sandalwood and then some after shave lotion by AOS.

It doesn't have to be as extreme as this http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=46-WNPlCYsg#t=64s but I need somewhere to start.

Well if you're not having any problems, why change it?
I only wash my face because if I don't I get mild breakouts. If that's not an issue for you and you do just fine with rinsing your face in the shower and using soap when you shave it, I'd say keep on truckin' the way you are right now!
I can't disagree with you but here's the way I look at it: I could drive my car without changing the oil for a very long time. I'm sure at some point it will catch with me and break down. Doing an oil change every 3k -5k miles will certainly make it last longer.
I like Every Man Jack face wash/scrub. Its low priced and is SLS and paraben free. Zirh also makes a nice face wash but its more expensive. I normally just wash my face then go right to what ever cream or soap I choose then I use an aftershave splash. If I have a rougher shave, I'll use Every Man Jack post shave lotion.
Use shave soap.

Lather your face.

Shave (the most effective exfoliant out there).


Apply aftershave of choice and face another brave new day!
+1 Everyman Jack is amazing. They're line includes a scrub, wash, and lotion plus all their products contain high quality ingredients and little to no toxic chemicals. Also, you can get their stuff at Target, HEB, some Walmarts, and online so it's really easy to get ahold of. Another option if you're looking for all-natural/organic products is Shea Moisture. My guy has super sensitive skin and he swears by their beard lifter, face scrub, and bump preventer/moisturizer. As far as routines go, if you're not having trouble with blemishes and you just want to condition and maintain here's the basics: 1: Cleanse, use something gentle and as close to all-natural as you can get so you get your skin clean and don't risk skin damage/break outs from harsh chemicals 2: Tone: this removes excess cleanser and improve the overall look of skin (shrink pores, lighten hyperpigmentation, tighten, etc) I would suggest either buying or making a good quality organic toner if you're going to do this step, the better the toner the more benefits you'll get. 3: Moisturize: you can use a post-shave balm/lotion on shave days and a moisturizer with SPF on other days. The SPF needn't be high, 10-15 is good but your skin will thank you in the long run if you make a habit of adding sun protection to your routine. Hope that helps!
If I were you, I would use something mild. Cetaphil daily facial cleanser is available everywhere. It's recommended by lots of dermatologists. You may not want to go from nothing to a lot of extreme products. Cetaphil isn't sexy, but it's an effective mild cleanser.
I would use this with caution. It is recommended by dermatologists for certain skin types but one of the main ingredients in alcohol. It's intended to dry out the skin if you're having trouble with blemishes or excessive oil but I know lots of people with sensitive or normal skin say it breaks them out.
When I was 15 or so I got a prescription for Accutane because of some annoying and stubborn acne. Before the days of Proactiv and other skin care treatments of today it was either get on Accutane or be called "Pizza Face."

While that was probably the harshest thing I put my body through (look up the side effects) I have probably had 5 pimples in the last 20 years. When it's time to go ten-toes up I take out my contacts, brush me teeth and go to bed. When I wake up in the morning I take a shower (don't wash the face) brush teeth, and other basic hygienic things and I'm out the door.

That Accutane was so effective that I just never developed the habit of washing my face and I haven't really faced acne consequences by not doing so.

Now that I'm on here I see that there are many options to take care of yourself. I'd like to do a bit of preventative maintenance/care for my face and body.

I'd love some recommendations of a routine with or without product suggestions. For example I don't know if you exfoliate and then tone or what. The only real thing I put on my face other than shaving soap is Ogalla Bay Rum with Sandalwood and then some after shave lotion by AOS.

It doesn't have to be as extreme as this http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=46-WNPlCYsg#t=64s but I need somewhere to start.


Do you have dry or oily skin? Being that you j ust came off of accutane I'd assume you have DRY SKIN. That being said you could wash with something mild like TEA TREE soap. Sally's sells a cheaper off-brand
here's the basics: 1: Cleanse, use something gentle and as close to all-natural as you can get so you get your skin clean and don't risk skin damage/break outs from harsh chemicals 2: Tone: this removes excess cleanser and improve the overall look of skin (shrink pores, lighten hyperpigmentation, tighten, etc) I would suggest either buying or making a good quality organic toner if you're going to do this step, the better the toner the more benefits you'll get. 3: Moisturize: you can use a post-shave balm/lotion on shave days and a moisturizer with SPF on other days. The SPF needn't be high, 10-15 is good but your skin will thank you in the long run if you make a habit of adding sun protection to your routine. Hope that helps!

Thank you Jonsgirl! This was exactly the type of advice I was looking for. I knew that washing was important and moisturizing but this whole toner thing, I wasn't sure if it was necessary or not. I was in a Whole Foods type place last week and actually bought some Everyman Jack Deodorant without aluminum (I've never smelled worse at the end of the day in my life) but I did also see their line of washes. I'll pick some up.
+1 for cetaphil, whole face including behind the ears. Throw in St. Ives apricot scrub a few times a week (great for non-shave days, if you have any of those) I top it off with oil of olay moisturizer.
I would use this with caution. It is recommended by dermatologists for certain skin types but one of the main ingredients in alcohol. It's intended to dry out the skin if you're having trouble with blemishes or excessive oil but I know lots of people with sensitive or normal skin say it breaks them out.

They make a non-alcohol version. That's the one he's referring to. A agree, the other one is harsh for those without oily skin.
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