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I Have Seen the Ice(Blue)!

After months of loathing the scent, I have finally gotten to where I can use Aqua Velva Ice Blue. I started with the Ice Sport, which smells better to me, but the menthol kick is more like a slap from a 1-year-old. My lady also hated the smell of it(out of the bottle). I kept smelling it at the stores, and when I saw the huge 7oz bottle for the same price as my 3.5 of Sport, I felt I had waited long enough; it was acquired. I shaved, Hazeled up, then rubbed it all over the Shave Terrain. After a while the scent seemed to change. Has signifigantly more punch than the Sport. Without the handicap of knowing what it was, she LOVES it. I haven't told her what it is yet. I'm enjoying this too much.
Kratos, my wife had the same reaction. I had worn AV Classic Ice Blue several times and she was "meh" about it. One day, we were in the store and she pulled me to her, inhaled and closed her eyes grabbing for something to keep her up. No kidding. :biggrin:

She was relatively embarrassed when I told her it was AV, but she's gotten over that. :wink:
Just out of curiosity...am I the only one that feels a slight wave of panic when "dad" tosses the full glass bottle of AV to his "son" in the commercial? Drop that bottle on the bathroom floor and "mom" will have both your butts! :eek:
Just out of curiosity...am I the only one that feels a slight wave of panic when "dad" tosses the full glass bottle of AV to his "son" in the commercial? Drop that bottle on the bathroom floor and "mom" will have both your butts! :eek:

I think so... My father, I'm ashamed to say, shaves with an electric.
I rarely miss a chance to say how much I am repulsed by AV :em3400:even though I realize a lot of guys like it for some reason---maybe it's the nice blue color. The sickening sweet smell--UGH! After I apply it, I get a headache within minutes. At first, I thought this was coincidence, but finally realized it was the very strong scent of the AV causing it! The only thing I can appreciate about it is the glass bottle. In fact, I currently have two "de-labeled" AV bottles (a large and a small) holding a supply of Pinaud Lilac Vegetol! I bought the AV and dumped it all down the drain and spent the next 10 minutes trying to wash out the smell. I've never smelled an aftershave I like LESS than AV. Have a great day!
I rarely miss a chance to say how much I am repulsed by AV :em3400:even though I realize a lot of guys like it for some reason---maybe it's the nice blue color. The sickening sweet smell--UGH! After I apply it, I get a headache within minutes. At first, I thought this was coincidence, but finally realized it was the very strong scent of the AV causing it! The only thing I can appreciate about it is the glass bottle. In fact, I currently have two "de-labeled" AV bottles (a large and a small) holding a supply of Pinaud Lilac Vegetol! I bought the AV and dumped it all down the drain and spent the next 10 minutes trying to wash out the smell. I've never smelled an aftershave I like LESS than AV. Have a great day!

There are more than a few who feel the same way about Lilac Vegital! :001_tt2: :lol:
I just saw a commercial for AV on the idiot box last evening. I was beginning to wonder if aftershave was no longer advertised.
You people are enablers, you know that? Just when I think I've got my routine down...no more experimenting, no more ADs...you just keep hammering away at the AV, over and over and over. And my grocery store just down the street sells it for a fraction of what I paid for anything else I use. Damn it. It's practically entrapment. I mean, why not just get Catherine Zeta Jones to knock on my door holding a bottle? Sheesh.

Having said that, does anybody have an opinion on how it would go following a nice SMN cream shave?
she LOVES it. I haven't told her what it is yet. I'm enjoying this too much.


Yezzir! I have joined the ranks of the Aqua Velva men. We get it.

Yes we do. And thank goodness so do our swmbos.
Right there with you Kratos. I put off buying this stuff for a long time because of how it smells in the bottle. I just finished off a shave with some. I still can't decide how much I like the scent. I know I don't hate the scent and I love the cool kick, so for now I use it for most of my weekend shaves.
Feelsgood! I finally told her what it was and showed her the bottle. She said it couldn't be the same putrescence she smelled at the store and accused me of dumping the bottle and refilling it with something else. Then she put some on my shoulder, smelled it, and promptly tried to tackle me :tongue:. I was like, "Easy, woman, I still got to shave!"
Something about AV, what you think you smell, changes with time. The first time I tried it, puked. Had to try again, kind of like smelling spoiled milk. You know what I mean, you know the milk is bad, but you have to smell it anyway. After a shave, with the face still wet, the scent and effect is totally different than what you may experience by smelling the bottle, or putting some on without shaving first. By the way, no urine odor compared to Lilac Vegetal.
It's good stuff isn't it?

Thanks to kind US members I have two full bottles in stock - and I am loving it :001_smile


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