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I Gotta couple of real collectibles today!

When I got home from work my single ring was in the mailbox. While I was installing a door for some older man today I was talking about my wet shaving hobby and about all the razors that i've been picking up and he reached over to his work bench in the garage and showed me a gold fatboy, well after greasing his palm so to speak I left the job with another fatboy, my first Gold Fatboy.:001_wub::001_wub::thumbup: I already had the cases for both razors, actually I just took out the chrome fatboy and put in the gold and now that little set is worth quite a few bucks!:w00t::w00t:
The gold Fatboy is better known as an Executive. It came in a different case to standard Fatboys but a case is a case. Very nice find.
The gold Fatboy is better known as an Executive. It came in a different case to standard Fatboys but a case is a case. Very nice find.

Oh great, now I won't rest till I find an executive case! Gee, Thanks Mister!:lol::lol::lol: There now I went and put the original chrome fatboy back in it's case where it belongs.:mad3:
Oooohhhh, I like that Executive quite a bit :w00t: If you decide it needs another new home, keep me in mind. I probably can't afford it, but I sure do like it.

- Steve :001_cool:
Oooohhhh, I like that Executive quite a bit :w00t: If you decide it needs another new home, keep me in mind. I probably can't afford it, but I sure do like it.

- Steve :001_cool:

Yep, I actually gave him $30.00 dollars for it only because it was gold plated, I usually spend about $5.00 and under for my fatboys and slims but I know how much this has been going for online.:w00t:
Yeah, the Executive case is the one the razor stands up in as opposed to laying down in (although there was an early Executive from the 50s, rhodium plated, in a clamshell leather type case).


For reference, the 50s Executive...

All of this from the B&B wiki at http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/index.php/Gillette_Executive
Executive's are nice. Not that common, not that rare.
Somewhere in the middle.
An Executive case however, that will be hard to find.
especially with the top cover.

Good score. The Executive looks classy when it's all polished up.
Congrats on the great score.

I love hearing stories that involve more than going into an antique store or scoring on ebay. Now your razor has a face and a history behind it. You're next in the lineage!
Here she is in her new home!:w00t: She looks like she came with that stand!:thumbup: I can't decide if I want to leave it up on the black shadow box or on the chrome rack over the toilet. What do you guys think? We have a small bathroom and my shaving stuff is starting to take over the wifes lady stuff.:tongue_sm
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