A fatboy f-3 (1960) lasted a whopping 1 hour and 50 minutes on B/S/T and I now have one of my very own! Have been keeping my eye out for a cased version, but I suppose that would be asking a bit much, I am just happy to have one at all.
A fatboy f-3 (1960) lasted a whopping 1 hour and 50 minutes on B/S/T and I now have one of my very own! Have been keeping my eye out for a cased version, but I suppose that would be asking a bit much, I am just happy to have one at all.
* opens the silo doors, closes the silo doors, opens the silo doors, closes the silo doors, opens the silo doors, closes the silo doors, opens the silo doors -
Clicks up to #7. Closes the silo doors, opens the silo doors, closes the silo doors, opens the silo doors, closes the silo doors.*
* opens the silo doors, closes the silo doors, opens the silo doors, closes the silo doors, opens the silo doors, closes the silo doors, opens the silo doors -
Clicks up to #7. Closes the silo doors, opens the silo doors, closes the silo doors, opens the silo doors, closes the silo doors.*