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I got my First Straight today!

Actually I got my first 4 straights today. I know, crazy.

I had one in the mail from Larry that arrived today (thanks Larry, its sharp as a. . . really sharp thing) while I was at my local antique shop. I found 2 H. Bokers and a Wade and Butcher Sheffield. I liked em, so I bought em. 2 are still sharp, but one Boker is useless, or so I think; one side of the scale is warped causing a "sheenk" noise every time you open and close the razor.

But anyway, I got some questions:

Do you guys oil your blades every day? What do you use?

What is the best way to clean off rust spots?

Final question:

How do you guys store your blade between shaves? I just realized that if I leave my blades out in the bathroom everyone is gonna start fiddling with them. I can't have that. But I don't exactly want to just toss them in a drawer either. I'm sure you all have noticed what the contents of a bathroom drawer look like after a fellow bathroom user has eagerly gone looking for toothpaste.

I'll just say ahead of time, you guys are awesome. Thanks for the help thus far. I'm interested to hear your opinions.
but one Boker is useless, or so I think; one side of the scale is warped causing a "sheenk" noise every time you open and close the razor.

First, congrats on your score!

Second, the Boker is not entirely useless. What is most important on a vintage straight razor, is that the blade is free of nicks, and cracks, and excessive rust. The scales can be easily replaced if you ever desire to get into razor restoration.

My Boker King Cutter 5/8 round point was rescaled to have absolutely beautiful translucent horn scales.
Good luck and congratulations. I found reading a lot here to be very helpful when I started and assume you will too.

As far as storage, it is generally recommended that you do not store your razors in the bathroom as the humidity level is higher than most rooms and can lead to rust. Also, for this reason you'll want to make sure your blade and scales are completely dry before putting the razor away (a sheet or two of toilet paper is what I use).

As far as oiling, I treat my razors with a drop of camellia oil (there are a few different options) before I put them away. This becomes more important if you have a bit of time in between uses.

Good luck
I have a 7-day set that I keep in a leather Dovo zippered case. I keep them in the bathroom cabinet and don't bother to oil them. I wipe them off and stop 25 stokes on the leather to make sure the edge is dry. Haven't had any problems and Modena is very humid.
And so it begins. Enjoy.

I don't oil my razors every day. Silver steel gets a coating of TufGlide after each honing. Other than that, I simply dry them after each use and let them sit open for 24 hours. Never (knock on wood) have a problem with rust or tarnish.

Would recommend not leaving them in the bathroom. It is pretty much an ideal enviroment for rust/tarnish.

The best way to deal with rust spots is to avoid getting them!
Welcome and congrats on your new toys. I do oil after each shave. I started out just towel drying but after some particular vintage blades started to show dark spots, I switched to an 'always oil' regime. If you do get these little spots, just polish them out with a good metal polish. I store my straights in a dresser drawer in a nylon / velcro case (thanks Luc!). I leave the one I just shaved with and oiled in my stand until the next day to admire and also to dry. Cheers!
Thanks guys, sounds like I need to get a case of some sort.

I shaved this morning on a full WTG pass with my straight.

Man this is no joke. I'm glad I had the tip dulled. If I hadn't, I would have stabbed my mouth several times. Yikes!

The shave went well, though. I cut myself once high on the cheek, but it stopped bleeding by the time I made a 3rd pass with my DE. This is gonna be awesome.
Haha. Keep at it! The spike on my starter blade wasn't dulled, and till I got used to working with it I looked like I had been wranglin' ill tempered badgers as a hobby. Looks like you have the right attitude to stick with it!
How do you guys store your blade between shaves? I just realized that if I leave my blades out in the bathroom everyone is gonna start fiddling with them. I can't have that. But I don't exactly want to just toss them in a drawer either. I'm sure you all have noticed what the contents of a bathroom drawer look like after a fellow bathroom user has eagerly gone looking for toothpaste.

This is actually a self-regulating situation. If you leave them out in the bathroom, the fiddlers will soon learn to fiddle with a handicap. If you toss them in a drawer, they will soon learn not to rummage through that drawer looking for toothpaste.

Keep a thick towel in that bathroom, along with some pressure bandages. And 911 on speed-dial.
Chisel and paintbrush rolls can be had inexpensively, for storing your razors and tucking them away somewhere.
Congratulations on the score and thanks for posting, storage is one of those things I have been wondering about. I have been oiling the blades with baby oil after use and stored them on a shelf in the bathroom. I will have to think this over but up until now I have not hd any problems.


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I don't oil between shaves and rotate a few straights.

I use sandpaper for the rust. Be careful not to cut yourself.
As others said only oil your blades if keeping it in storage for a long time. Make sure you dry the blade after use and strop to get the edge.

I keep my straights in a draw in the kitchen, instead of the the bathroom because there wil be less steam in there.

I think Larry also started selling razor cases so you may want to get one if you haven't already.

Rust you can try anything from 60 to 2000 grit sandpaper from what I have heard. These are the extreme values and you will probably just need a few inbetween. If it has pitting you will need a buffing machine, if it's not so bad you can also try a dremel. Search youtube for Jockeyz video of it.
I used to use a 95% mineral oil, 5% denatured alcohol solution after drying and stropping. I don't use that anymore as it doesn't seem to be necessary, despite the daily 100% humidity here. However, I'm also in the camp that leaves the razor of the day on the stand while the others are safely rolled up in a leather wrap inside my nightstand.
I don't oil between shaves. I shave with a straight for a week and then it gets stored out of the bathroom until it comes around in the rotation again.
I use very fine Wet N Dry paper or steel wool. I store my straights on top of my DE display cabinet. I stand them up in some perspex pen holders.
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