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I convertted my apprentice.

So after taking on wet shaving and talking about with my apprentice over the last coupleof months, I converted my apprentice. A couple of months ago I pif'd him a gillette SS, and left it at that. he expressed interest, so finally I ordered a brush for him, and some other stuff that he wanted. For like 120ish I got him a pretty good starter kit. I got him some Tabac, a puck of MWF, some AOS sandlewood cream, and aftershave gel that I no longer use, some Proraso, menthol shave soap,some osage rub, and gave him about 40 blades. Everything but feather blades.

he went home and shaved last night with the Proarso, and then used the osage after spasl. he came into work all excited, and couldnt stop talking about it. He was like, "I'm actually excited to go home and shave!"


Hopefully he will join the sight this week......
Excited to go home and shave...in most places that would sound completely ridiculous but in this crowd it seems the normal state of affairs :lol::lol:
Glad you hear you had some success. I've been trying to convert my family and friends but no one seems to want to give it a go. They all think it's too dangerous.
What a great story.
My friends at work mostly think I'm nuts to be so into shaving these days.
Maybe they'll soon understand themselves.:biggrin:


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Great story! Nice to see that it took some efforts but it worked!
That a good story. You're a very kind guy to spend $120 to get this guy to shave properly. Kudos to you.

Nooo... He spent 120. I pif'ed him a bunch of other stuff. Most of his money went towards the brush. He got a shavemac silvertip. I just ordered everything for him. I would say between everything I got for him, and everything I gave him, he probably got around 180 worth of stuff. I gave him some more stuff, but I an't remember what. LOL

I used to have a bunch of hefty handle SS's but I pif'd them all out.
I simply cannot get my dad to give up his plastic, Asda fixed-head disposables and goo and my brother was given a lovely 40s superspeed for his Xmas....which i found in its box covered in dried blood 3 months later! The only friend who's "made the grade" in any way has been given everything from me! His straight's a mess in total need of a hone, he can't strop and he's been trying to use the same 5 Swedes for months!
"Behold that i sent you like the blade beneath the wiskers, be nice with the skin but brutal to the ingrown".

Nice work....Proraso Apostole.

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