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How will this end? Badly shedding brush

I have a Berkeley brush that sheds like husky in Spring. 10 to 15 hairs fall out every shave. I have tried shampooing, combing and everything to get it to stop. Anyway. The question is, how will this brush end? Will it just slowly get thinner and thinner and thinner or will it lose enough hairs that the knot suddenly falls apart because there aren't enough hairs left to stay bound together? Or will it end in some other interesting way I haven't thought of?

Just curious.
If the glue is bad, it may end like this Boreal boar. At first it shed something like 6-12 hairs per shave. After a while chunks of glue and hair started to come out.

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If there are not clots of hair falling out all at once I bet it will last a good long while. I have a VDH pure badger that came in their deluxe kit and it has been a shedder from the start. From the start it would lose 3-4 hairs per shave. (avg 4-5 shaves a week) Now it is losing 4-8 per shave when I remove the loose hairs that stick above the natural shape of the brush. I've had it a year now and it is still looking like a nice, full brush though I notice it's a bit floppier when I rinse it out. I can't predict the future but I wouldn't be surprised to see this brush last several more years before it gets to the point where I think I'll need to replace it.
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