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How to use hairbrushes

The stylish fellow in the old Brylcreem ads is often shown using two oval/military hairbrushes to style his hair. I recall some vintage instructions posted on the technique for using two hairbrushes, but despite my best search attempts I can't find them now.

So, does anyone know, or have a link to the instructions/technique of, how to use two brushes to style your hair? Or, am I totally wrong and no such thing exists because something as simple as brushing your hair requires no explanation?
I don't see where there could be an advantage of using two brushes.

IMO, the "advantage" lies not in the use but in the storage. When I was young I was handed down my fathers old set from his Navy days (wish I still had those :sad:). You stored them by intermeshing bristle to bristle (if that makes sense?). This reduced the total size by 40%, kept the bristles protected and gave you a spare brush. Big advantages for deployment.

In use, I never used both at the same time, but maybe I'm just not coordinated enough for such advanced techniques.:thumbup1:


Look at how precise his parting is.
See that look in his eyes?
That's pity, and contempt. For you.
Because you can't do what he can!
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