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How to take off NOS blades from the dispenser?

how to take off NOS blades from the dispenser
With the age oil get hardened and the blades are stuck the ones to the others.
Does somebody know how to do without breaking the dispenser?
Thank you
Yep. It's a pain, isn't it?

I eventually got the Bleue Extras to separate by sheer repetitive force, but I don't really have an answer to your question. Sorry.
Has anyone an idea how to avoid that the oil gets hardened? I shaved with some NOS Gillette blades that are made in the 197ies and never had problems to get them out of the dispenser. It seems that these blades were stored correctly. So any idea why the oil gets hardended? Maybe too warm temperature in the room where the blades are stored or too cold room temperature? Any thoughts? Thank you.
somebody told me to soak the complete dispenser into alcohol for a couple of days and then dry.
What do you think about it?
i've opened up a couple of dispensers, a silver plastic gillette platinum plus and a white plactic gillette bleue extra just out of curiosity.I've been lucky none of my blades have had the oil stick the blades together.

To open the white dispenser, simply hold it firmly in one hand, orientated so that the shorter sides of the dispenser are north and south. On the left hand side and ride hand side you'll see a feint line (break) in the plastic about 1mm from either side. I run my thumbnail (i haven't got larger nails) down the line on the right hand side. when you do this you will see the plasctic start to separate. Maintain the pressure (from west to east) as you run your thumbnail down the gap should increase. The main clip is about 2cm long and 1cm from the top and bottom. Widen the gap a little and push the piece on the right hand side away from you. It should pop off now. Becareful to use just enough force so it and the blades don't fly off on the floor.It might be a good idea to practice on a empty dispenser. After you have done it a few times it takes about 5 seconds. If you want to put the blades back in the dispenser remember to put them back in the right way so that the arrows are in the right direction so they come out correctly.

The silver dispenser is very similar except it has a separate base plate for old blades. Hope this helps.
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