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How to remove the red tip?

I've got a Red Tip razor that is in pretty bad condition. I want to part it out for a project is like to try. What is the best way to remove the red TTO knob from the barrel without causing damage to either? Then, what is the best way to reassemble them if I need to?



Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
It depends on which year it is. 1954-57 has a screw with reverse threads, easy with the correct driver.
The tip is held in by a compression ring just above tip. I had one that the tip (knob) dropped out and I just compressed it again.Some people use a wire and pliers others use a pipe cutter and dull the blade or replace it with a washer. I just used a butter knife and rooled it on a counter top.
Not sure how you would remove it though.
So do you think tapping it with a wood dowel rod would remove it without damaging it? That was my plan anyhow, I just wanted a few suggestions from people who have done it before.

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