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How To Pack A Shave Stick

I need suggestions on how to travel with a shave stick to keep from messing up my toiletry bag. I found the shave stick holders available are very big. I try to travel as light as possible. Thanks.
You could get LEA sticks that are 50 grams and have a cover or La Toja. Muhle or D.R. Harris also have some smaller sticks in a container.
I need suggestions on how to travel with a shave stick to keep from messing up my toiletry bag. I found the shave stick holders available are very big. I try to travel as light as possible. Thanks.

You could also look into repurposing a travel deodorant stick into a shave stick. I've done this a couple times, give it a good soak & wash and load with your choice similar to the "normal" shave stick holders that are sold. Has a very small footprint in a dopp bag and I actually like the elongated shape the soap ends up in.


I smell like a Christmas pudding
I use a shave stick tube with a perforated top which is about the size of a new stick, a bit like this.


If you want to go smaller then cut a bit off the stick and wrap it in a tissue or put it in a small plastic bag. If you want to go really small then leave the soap at home and just lather up whatever hand soap you find in your hotel. You can even shave with shower gel or hair conditioner, I have done so many times and it works perfectly well.

If you like vintage items then take a look on the bay for the Colgate shave stick trial size container, that would be my choice. It is about 5cm in height.


Or you can get these:

You could get LEA sticks that are 50 grams and have a cover or La Toja. Muhle or D.R. Harris also have some smaller sticks in a container.
I use a La Toja container for travelling with Speick. I run a small bit of blue painter's tape around to prevent it from popping off. Lately, I've just been taking an Arko puck (w/container), a small tube of cream, or reusing a sample container from PAA to take cream with me. Should also accommodate a nub of shave stick well.
You could get LEA sticks that are 50 grams and have a cover or La Toja. Muhle or D.R. Harris also have some smaller sticks in a container.

This is exactly what I do. When I travel, it's either La Toja or LEA. To keep the top from coming off the base, I simply use Scotch tape.

Except, most recently, I've been able to use on of these instead.
Thanks for everyone who responded.

I travel full time with just carry on bags so whatever I use to shave with must fit airport security rules.

I have used lots of different things to shave. I have used an Arko stick and brush, shaving oil, and a travel electric shaver. All did fine except the quality of the shave was different.

I've decided to go back to using a brush and figure a shave stick would be easiest to use while traveling. (I may go with smaller tubes shaving cream.) I also found 30ml cans of Nivea Shave Gel.

I picked up a new Omega small shaving brush yesterday and a stick of Derby. It didn't come with a container which is why I asked the initial question. After this stick is used up, I'll probably switch to Lea as I've used it in the past or updgrade to something a little better that comes in its own container. (I'm sensitive to fragrance so if anyone can recommend a lightly scented shave stick, I'm open to suggestions.)
You could get LEA sticks that are 50 grams and have a cover or La Toja. Muhle or D.R. Harris also have some smaller sticks in a container.

I generally prefer shaving soaps or creams and shaving sticks are a niche product for me that I primarily use when travelling. That explains why sticks last a such long time in my den.

Having said that,

- I have several Lea other products that I do like, but the LEA stick lacks in lubrication and is not that good IMO.
- La Toja is quite good and I have a few sticks, but the cap is just stuck on top of the base and has a tendency to come off in toiletry bags.
- I haven’t used a D.R. Harris stick in years*, but D.R. Harris products are excellent in general, and I cannot remember anything negative about the stick in particular.* It’s just that I prefer shaving soap pucks.
Their shaving sticks are secured with screw-on caps, which prevents the cap from falling off.
- Mühle is quite good too, I got a few of their Grapefruit and Mint shaving sticks for free with a purchase and they work well enough. They also use screw-on caps.

I would pick the D.R. Harris or Mühle shaving sticks from above list, but whatever stick you decide to use, make sure to carry it in a container with a screw-on cap to keep the cap from falling off.

I hope this helps…


* This thread just reminded me that I should order a few D.R. Harris shaving sticks again.
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Born to häckla
Thanks for everyone who responded.

I travel full time with just carry on bags so whatever I use to shave with must fit airport security rules.

I have used lots of different things to shave. I have used an Arko stick and brush, shaving oil, and a travel electric shaver. All did fine except the quality of the shave was different.

I've decided to go back to using a brush and figure a shave stick would be easiest to use while traveling. (I may go with smaller tubes shaving cream.) I also found 30ml cans of Nivea Shave Gel.

I picked up a new Omega small shaving brush yesterday and a stick of Derby. It didn't come with a container which is why I asked the initial question. After this stick is used up, I'll probably switch to Lea as I've used it in the past or updgrade to something a little better that comes in its own container. (I'm sensitive to fragrance so if anyone can recommend a lightly scented shave stick, I'm open to suggestions.)
I found these small little 10 ml containers at Maggard's and they are prefect to fill with shave cream. Good for 5-10 shaves worth depending on how much you need for each shave.
I put it in a ziplock with other potentially messy things including cologne and splash.
I always have one ziplock baggie in the Dopp. It may contain a piece of laundry soap, a shaving stick, hotel soap... The other two shaving stick options can be seen in my avatar. I really like the vintage holders.
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