I need suggestions on how to travel with a shave stick to keep from messing up my toiletry bag. I found the shave stick holders available are very big. I try to travel as light as possible. Thanks.
I use a La Toja container for travelling with Speick. I run a small bit of blue painter's tape around to prevent it from popping off. Lately, I've just been taking an Arko puck (w/container), a small tube of cream, or reusing a sample container from PAA to take cream with me. Should also accommodate a nub of shave stick well.You could get LEA sticks that are 50 grams and have a cover or La Toja. Muhle or D.R. Harris also have some smaller sticks in a container.
You could get LEA sticks that are 50 grams and have a cover or La Toja. Muhle or D.R. Harris also have some smaller sticks in a container.
You could get LEA sticks that are 50 grams and have a cover or La Toja. Muhle or D.R. Harris also have some smaller sticks in a container.
I found these small little 10 ml containers at Maggard's and they are prefect to fill with shave cream. Good for 5-10 shaves worth depending on how much you need for each shave.Thanks for everyone who responded.
I travel full time with just carry on bags so whatever I use to shave with must fit airport security rules.
I have used lots of different things to shave. I have used an Arko stick and brush, shaving oil, and a travel electric shaver. All did fine except the quality of the shave was different.
I've decided to go back to using a brush and figure a shave stick would be easiest to use while traveling. (I may go with smaller tubes shaving cream.) I also found 30ml cans of Nivea Shave Gel.
I picked up a new Omega small shaving brush yesterday and a stick of Derby. It didn't come with a container which is why I asked the initial question. After this stick is used up, I'll probably switch to Lea as I've used it in the past or updgrade to something a little better that comes in its own container. (I'm sensitive to fragrance so if anyone can recommend a lightly scented shave stick, I'm open to suggestions.)
I always have one ziplock baggie in the Dopp. It may contain a piece of laundry soap, a shaving stick, hotel soap... The other two shaving stick options can be seen in my avatar. I really like the vintage holders.I put it in a ziplock with other potentially messy things including cologne and splash.