Can anyone tell me the correct sequence for loading a blade/adjusting a Fatboy, please?
To load a blade into a Fatboy, twist the TTO(twist to open) mechanism at the bottom of the handle, the silo doors will open, allowing you to place the blade in the head. Adjust the settings before you close up the silo doors. When you close the silo doors via the TTO, once the doors are fully closed, gived the TTo an extra 1/4 turn or so to lock in place. If you want to change the settings agains, open the doors slightly before making adjustments, then close doors as before. Rinse, lather, repeat.
Exactly what he said. Be sure to adjust the settings before the doors are closed.
Didn't this get debunked some weeks ago? What is the evidence for loosening/opening the doors while adjusting?
-- Chet
Didn't this get debunked some weeks ago? What is the evidence for loosening/opening the doors while adjusting?
-- Chet
I'm not sure what may have been said some weeks ago . . . I don't remember reading the post.
In my opinion, it is essential to open the razor before adjusting.
I'm waiting for my first Super Adjustable. I understand this "extra 1/4 turn" thing only apply to Fatboys?
It applies to Slims also, not sure about the Super Adjustable.
Does it mean you don't hear the audible click until you do that 1/4 turn? I've never used an adjustable but I've understood that click tells you when it's set.
I'm waiting for my first Super Adjustable. I understand this "extra 1/4 turn" thing only apply to Fatboys?
Not on the Slim, you hear the clicks with the adjuster. Then you tighten the TTO, when it seems tight, it goes another 1/4 turn.
I have no idea if the Super Adjustable works the same way or not. Somebody here should be able to chime in with that info.
Nope. I e-mailed Gillette directly and they said you can adjust at will. Won't hurt a thing.
Plus the instruction manual never mentioned it either - IIRC. If it would have hurt something I think Gillette would have mentioned it in the manual so they wouldn't be flooded with returns.
. . . do whatever you want, it's your razor . . .
Yea!! Another tighten before/after closing adjustable thread!
To summarize the last thread - do whatever you want, it's your razor, but you're not doing it the right way.
You'll find that it is a common point of contention around here. To assume damage to your razor is to assume that the blade (which is designed to flex) is stronger than the mechanical pieces of your razor (which are not designed to flex, in most instances).
- Steve![]()
I'm not sure what may have been said some weeks ago . . . I don't remember reading the post.
In my opinion, it is essential to open the razor before adjusting.
Think about the mechanics involved - dialing to a higher number causes the adjuster plate to push upward on the blade to increase the gap. If the blade is "locked down" (that extra quarter turn to snug the spring) there is no room for blade movement. Now the adjuster plate, collar, and indent spring are under excessive load, which over time will relieve itself by bending the plate. The downward pressure on the adjustment collar threads also leads to excessive wear in the threads.
Dialing to a lower number will not involve the stress to the adjustment mechanism, but will cause the blade to then be slightly loose, since the TTO can then be turned against the spring some more. Shaving with a loose blade is never good . . .
Each click of the adjuster changes the blade gap by about .0025", which is a very small amount. It wouldn't take much of a bend or wear to change the adjustment dynamics of the razor.
For me, the few seconds it would take to loosen the razor first is not a problem. In reality, I set my adjustables on '5' and only change the setting when I am cleaning the razor . . . never during a shave!
Of course, I could be wrong . . .![]()
You'll find that it is a common point of contention around here. To assume damage to your razor is to assume that the blade (which is designed to flex) is stronger than the mechanical pieces of your razor (which are not designed to flex, in most instances). Gillette's own original instructions are very vague on the issue, but seem to imply that adjustments can be made "on the fly"...depending on interpretation. Personally, I do it both ways, depending on my mood. How's that for noncommittal?Either way, someone will disagree.
As with all things in these parts, YMMV.
- Steve![]()