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How to keep from getting inky fingers?

A pen I have all of a sudden started leaking in the cap and each time you write, you get ink on you fingers. I've siliconed the threads between barrel and section. Thinking maybe the converter needs replacing??
Sure its not just nib creep Rick ?, converters do where or go bad for other reasons though, I had a cheap chinese one go way bad on me that was an absolute nightmare, but if it never did it before what changed, new ink ? how is it stored between uses ?, if nothing has changed recently and its kept nib up,.. then i would say swap out the converter since they are cheap and see what happens, and if you really love the pen, there is always latex gloves lol
Welll, I'm always changing inks. Could be nib creep, I suppose. However, the problem is fairly new. Happens with several inks now. I think I'm going to change out the convert and see what happens.
Inks...I can't really remember. It's a Bexley pen. Some kind, which, I don't know. I know, a lot of help, right. :)
I always laugh when I hear 'nib creep' as it's really the ink creeping and not the nib. There are so many variable when trying to diagnose this problem that usually only the user will know how to nail it down. I've experienced this phenomenon with several of my pens at some time or another and sometime a cleaning will help other times a different ink is the answer. As James said, you can't go wrong trying a different convertor either. Maybe get a loupe and inspect the grip section for cracks and the nib itself, did the feed develop a crack or maybe loose. Knowing the type of pen and ink, as Doc4 said, would solicit better answers.

Good luck.
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