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How to identify unmarked/stamped straight razors?

I've been accumulating some beat up razors for the purposes of learning to hone and a couple of them have not had the typical stamps on the shank. One seller said that it was a genco and the other said theirs was a wapi. I bought them anyway because they were cheap and I didn't know any better but I'm sure I am not the first do deal with this.
I have not found any good way of identifying them. There were plenty of small shops that only sold to local communities and had no reason to stamp their name onto the razor. Or, they could be of such crap quality they didn't want to be associated with the razor. ???

If it says Sheffield, you can be pretty sure its a good razor. If its says Germany however.... I've got a razor that wasn't even heat treated. However, it is stamped with a maker's name so...... But generally if its stamped Germany its probably good.
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