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how to get an "insanely good shave" ;)

I came across an item on e-bay, (I can't post the link because the auction is still ongiong,)

For what is poetically called "Gillette Phsycho or Prison razor", needless to say, I had to have a look see.

What I saw made me laugh my head off, a beautiful razor, which looks like a fatboy, could be wrong though. Although it is a two piece, with the allen wrench type thing that attaches to the bottom to unscrew the cap so the blade can be taken in and out. (Obviously they dont trust inmates to change the blades, hmm):confused1

It looks like a beautiful razor, and the inmates of whatever insitution must have been immiaculatley groomed. I wonder what the pre-shave prep involved?

Anyone ever see any of these before?
I came across an item on e-bay, (I can't post the link because the auction is still ongiong,)

For what is poetically called "Gillette Phsycho or Prison razor", needless to say, I had to have a look see.

What I saw made me laugh my head off, a beautiful razor, which looks like a fatboy, could be wrong though. Although it is a two piece, with the allen wrench type thing that attaches to the bottom to unscrew the cap so the blade can be taken in and out. (Obviously they dont trust inmates to change the blades, hmm):confused1

It looks like a beautiful razor, and the inmates of whatever insitution must have been immiaculatley groomed. I wonder what the pre-shave prep involved?

Anyone ever see any of these before?

Someone posted in a thread not too long ago about "Psycho" Razors. Check this . I don't know much about them, but it is interesting to see what they used.

Did the one you see look like this? This one has a Tech head on it.


Or here is a version with an Open Comb

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Wow, no the one I seen had a T-bar type key. Similar, looks like same handle though.

Lol, I can't believe it actually says "Physcho lock" on that box, how politically correct is that,ha. On the up side, the poor souls who were in those places had no excuse to look scruffy.

Thanks for the link, certainly gonna ad to my "to-buy"list, hopefully I get to use one as a matter of choice as opposed to, well you know, as a resident ;)
Nah, you can hide shanks in beards. Are prisoners allowed to grow beards?

On another note, someone was selling an entire case of psychos in the B/S/T not long ago.
What they fail to mention is that they would load the razor with a Merkur blade, lock it in there, and make them shave with that.

It was worse punishment than solitary confinement!
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