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How To Finish With A Coticule

I normally use a Naniwa SS 1,3,5,8,12k, then CrOx on felt. I'd like to try using my coticule as a finisher. Three questions:

1. Do I go to the coticule after the 8k, and skip the 12k?

2. Do I skip the CrOx after the coticule?

3. Do I use the coticule with just water and no slurry?

Thank you for your input gentlemen.
This is trial and error based on the type of edge you like and your specific stone, but here are some thoughts.
1. Do I go to the coticule after the 8k, and skip the 12k?

Either is fine. To be honest, I've done both and havent noticed a huge difference if you leave the 12k off and go from 8k to coticule.

2. Do I skip the CrOx after the coticule?

Up to you, depends on what you like. Some prefer the feeling of CrOx, some like the stone. As for me, I like the stone.

3. Do I use the coticule with just water and no slurry?

Yes, finish on water only. For me, I like to finish last laps under running water held in my hand. YMMV

Agree with David and Gary.

I think a good first step in your experimentation is to complete your progression through the 12k and then give the razor 20-50 laps on your Coticule with just water. Strop on linen and leather and then shave. I would skip the CrOx for a while to see how you like the Coticule edge.
Agree with the above. I don't really see a point going to the nani 12k if you max out the 8. Coticules don't have a traditional grit rating but they would be around the 8k.

I would give it 40-50 laps on plain water and rinse often if your coti auto slurries. Even better is to do like Obiwan says and hone in a slight trickle of water.

Personally, I never use sprays, pastes anymore. Strop on linen if you have it 40-50 laps followed by 40-50 on leather. Then shave.

What about the oil? Did I leave out the oil. Nope. I would try plain water first and get a feel for that edge, the repeat the above honing process and finish with a couple of drops of baby oil and give it 40-50 light pressure laps. Strop and shave.

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Good call about oil doc. Might as well get yourself banned before you know better.

Kidding aside (sort of), doc brings up a good point.
Yeah, given the thread is how to finish with a coticule, don't use CrOx. Otherwise you are finishing with CrOx :smile:
I normally use a Naniwa SS 1,3,5,8,12k, then CrOx on felt.
2. Do I skip the CrOx after the coticule?

Felt has a grain to it that causes one side of your razor's bevel to round a little bit when you use an abrasive charged felt. You can go from that strop to a coticule with just water, but it might actually increase the amount of work.

Agree with the above. I don't really see a point going to the nani 12k if you max out the 8. Coticules don't have a traditional grit rating but they would be around the 8k.

I've heard of people going from the Shapton 30000 or super-fine sprays to coticules and seeing an improvement, so I'm not sure where your numbers are coming from. I think it really depends on how you use it.


Personally, I would stick with water and just keep practicing. You can try short cuts, but after a while you're only shortchanging yourself of the chance to get better without "performance enhancers".
I remeber sham saying he tryed the naniwas.. he recomended going as far as 10k and no further... then finish with a natural stone ... i have finished with my 10k then used the coticule with just water and the shave was defanatley improved in shave comfort the keeness should be maxed out on 10k the coticule i found left a more comfy only slight but notisable differance on my skin... thats what agood coticule will do ... try it and you will indurstand better . then you can go with your own experiance i also used coticule after norton 8k edge i used 75 laps and it also improved slightly . i also finished after 8k norton back in the day with 75 on bbw with light slurry then 75 on yellow coticule with water ... the results were realy nice ... after 4k 8k ....
Ok, tell her it's you and not her. You've changed and need more space. You aren't ready to give her what she wants and needs. You're scared of commitment. Then delete her number from you mobile and change the locks on all your doors. Oh and finally send her by express airmail to me!!!!
sorry, couldn't resist after reading the title. That's how I'd have done it anyway.
I personally like the edge off the 12k Naniwa and paste better than any combination with the coti, but I would go from the 12k to the coti with just water if I wanted to try the stone. That would be the easiest in my opinion.
coti's are easy to learn... the biggest problem most people have is a lack of PATIENCE with the stone....

I have no problem sitting there and working 200+ laps on my C12k, so I don't think my new Coti is going to be an issue.

Yes... I'm diving in to Coti-Land. Just placed an order with Jarrod:

Select 50x175 #7384
Slurry Stone (Bout 2 Size, ~1.8 x 1.8")

Would love to have picked up a 100x300, but the 50x175 was rich enough for my blood :biggrin:

I figured I'd give them a try and see how they do.
My normal progression is ~100 laps: Norton 4k, Norton 8k, Naniwa 12k, 200 laps C12k, then on to the hanging strop. I've been running CrOX on linen followed by leather, but tonight, just went straight to the Kanayama suede.

Very odd... I'm getting Doc-style HHT off of my Wacker Gadsden.
My stainless Revisor, off of which I still get AWESOME shaves, I've run more laps than the Wacker, and I'm not getting any kind of HHT action.

Now granted, SWMBO's hair is not the best. It's super baby fine. If I can find a grey one in her brush, it'll pop a bit easier, but I've never been impressed with any HHT that I've run.
Maybe I should try one of the cat's hairs.
Now granted, SWMBO's hair is not the best. It's super baby fine. If I can find a grey one in her brush, it'll pop a bit easier, but I've never been impressed with any HHT that I've run.
Maybe I should try one of the cat's hairs.

Haven't you heard? Tomatoes are the new HHT...
Haven't you heard? Tomatoes are the new HHT...

Tomato is the new bevel checker-not a substitute for the HHT. Both are very helpful at different parts of the honing

TCT for bevel checking
HHT for pre shave testing
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