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How to fight rust

Today I took the blade out of my Tradere SB and spotted light signs of rust inside the head of the razor. The razor is stainless steel.
What is the best way to take out those signs of rust gently?
I used a tooth brush and some tooth paste and the signs of rust disappeared, but now I should be doing it every time I change a blade?!
I wouldn't think so. I'd just make sure I've left no chemical residue from shaving on the razor. Rinse and dry it well. Some people swear by an alcohol dip before and/or after a shave. It doesn't hurt I guess, but it seems a bit to much to me. I have really hard water and dry my razor with a soft towel after every shave and rinse. when the blade gets changed I hit the inside up as well to remove the film and deposits. Your mileage with un-coated stainless will be much different, but that's just what Barkeeper's Friend was made for.
Thank you for your help, Relentless.
Just one question, what do you mean by "dry it well"? How exactly?
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This happened to mine too, there's very little room for air circulation in the head so it's hard for it to dry out properly after use. When you've rinsed it simply loosen the head slightly, this lets it air and it will dry out properly. I've had no rust since I've started doing this.
Yeah, I noticed that right away, that because of the head's shape the blade is not getting enough air.
BTW, what do you think of the razor itself?
I remove the blade from my DE razors after each shave and towel dry the razor. Never had any problems with anything when doing this :001_smile
Yeah, I noticed that right away, that because of the head's shape the blade is not getting enough air.
BTW, what do you think of the razor itself?

Mine's the OC, but for me it was a RAD killer. I'm still rotating in my Weber, but the Tradere seems to be my Goldilocks razor: I can happily use it daily, but if needed it'll mow down a few days' beard. It also looks so damn pretty on the window sill.

For what it's worth, I think that with mine it was the blade that had rusted and stained the razor. As with yours, a bit of toothpaste cleaned it right off and it looks good as new.
I take my razor apart after every shave to clean the soap off and rinse it good. I dry each part with towel and I pat the blade on the towel to dry it as well. Sometimes I have to strop the blade a couple swipes on a dry towel to get tough soap off the blade. Maybe every other shave or so I scrub it with a toothbrush and some toothpaste. It's probably more than is necessary, but it keeps the rust away and keeps my razors from needing really heavy cleanings every so often.

As citizen said, if you clean it daily there will be no rust. I have a small wooden block I keep my blade on and rinse & dry my razor after every shave. Takes an extra 20 seconds and if you have more than one razor use the blade in the next one in your rotation. That way you don't keep blades in the razors and there is no rust ever.
"Stainless", isn't entirely stainless. If the blades are left in place long enough (over a period of several days/uses) it may stain the head. The high-polish finish on the Tradere helps significantly in preventing corrosion, and the tips of removing the blade after use, a dip in Barbicide (or alcohol), and removing any spots with toothpaste are spot-on.
I left the blade in all the time in my other razors, and they did not rust like this.
A stainless razor... go figure...
I left the blade in all the time in my other razors, and they did not rust like this.
A stainless razor... go figure...

You wash your car after driving through salt, mud, and other nasties? After all it is a car and the paint should protect the metal from rusting right (well for a few years anyway)?

It is called maintenance.

If you don't maintain the exterior finish on a car (wash and wax) it will not look nice for very long. The same holds true for razors. That's why you find so many nasty looking razors out there compared to ones in pristine condition.

As far as stainless compared to chrome or nickel plated? The plated razors have a more durable finish. Raw stainless is just raw steel with alloys of chromium and vanadium to help retard rust and corrosion. Why do you think Feather plates their stainless razors? So that they can be abused and still look presentable.
Why do you think Feather plates their stainless razors? So that they can be abused and still look presentable.

i agree completely. I do nothing to my feather other than rinse in cold water. I leave blade, I don't open the head, nor shake out excess water. That stain finsh really dismisses any water spots.
Lightly rub some vaseline (petroleum jelly) on the inside of the head when changing a blade will prevent staining the razor from rust that may develop on the blade or the razor itself.
While you're at it, put some on the threads too, it will prevent them not only from rust but from wear too.
That way your razor will last a lifetime (or more).
Are you sure it isn't dried blood? :laugh:

Kidding aside, the vaseline advice could be a good one if you can entirely disassemble your razor (I'm thinking 3 piece here). Not sure about TTOs and adjustables because of moving parts.
As Turtle mentioned above, if you practice a bit of maintenance with your razors, clean and dry them properly you will not experience any rust. There are other factors too like how you actually store your razor after use, how much air circulation is in your bathroom etc. But if you take out the blade and rinse everything thoroughly and then dry on a towel (including the blade, I just push down once on each side and that takes care of it) before re-assembling you should have no problems.

I loaned a late 40's superspeed to a friend once and after he used it each time he would store it inside the red case that came with it. Also, he didn't shave with it every day as he was also using his cartridges at the same time so when I got it back from him with a blade in it there was a ton of rust inside the razor and on the blade of course which is where it originated! I was so mad... But he is my best friend, so I went easy on him...sort of. :biggrin1: I threw out the blade of course, yuck...and used Flitz on the razor. Took care of the rust easily. Sadly, he didn't have the patience for the learning curve and is back to cartridges. I feel sorry for him.
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