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How to convert the masses?

I have been trying to share the joys of wetshaving with friends, family, and co-workers but still get the usual "who cares" attitude. Mostly people are comfortable with the way that they have been doing it for all this time. This is a testament to the power of marketing and impatience of the American culture to get through something as quickly as possible.

I will admit that I have never had a problem with the cartridge razors that most people here talk about. What I have experienced is boredom. After nine years of naval service, shaving was not something that was enjoyable, it was a matter of professional image. I had experimented with a brush and shave soap from the pharmacy but found this to be a useless endeavor that did not excite me.

After having recieved a straight razor shave from a seasoned professional barber, I wanted to experience that closeness in a shave as often as possible. It has only been a few months since I have started wet shaving and have been consumed with a passion that is sure to overwhelm me since I jumped in with both feet. No longer do I press the top of a canister to squeeze some goo onto my hand and think, "Let's get this over with." I have taken to experimenting with the different aromas that come from using a quality shave soap and exploring the wonderful world of aftershave in scents that exude 'manliness' and refinement.

That being said, Father's Day is coming up soon. My father has been using the same Gillette Good News razors and Gillette Foamy for as long as I can remember. My mother has tried to get him some of the newer styles of razors and even the gels. He has said that he can only use one type of soap and razor due to razor burn. I am convinced that he might benefit from wet shaving and had thought about getting him some of the things that I have found enjoyable. The only problem is that I am not sure that I could get him to switch from Good News razors or Foamy to even try wet shaving.

Can anyone recommend something for a nice Father's Day gift that would maybe help him to break his old shaving habits? Mom says it is time for him to update anyhow! :biggrin:
The best way to convert someone is by giving them a gift. If you give someone a brush, a razor, and a puck of soap, they'll use it.
In all honesty, people are a lot tougher to convert than even I thought. Here we've found a better way, and yes, an older way, to shave, and not everyone wants to do it. What are they thinking?

What it comes down to is the fact that, at some level, people switch to something else due to the dissatisfaction they feel with what they're switching from. A lot of people that I've proselytized the wetshaving gospel to have reacted in any number of ways, but by far, the positive response has been the rarest response. People like what they like. I'm not saying you shouldn't try to do it, as I am always chatting up buddies about how great it is to shave this way, but some people are just satisfied with the results they get from something else and therefore feel no reason to switch, and that's okay with me.
This is a testament to the power of marketing and impatience of the American culture to get through something as quickly as possible.

American culture, maybe, but it's exactly the same here. Unfortunately.

I've converted one of my workmates, he wasn't really happy about the price of Fusion cartridges.

But yeah it is difficult, most people just won't believe it that shaving can actually be a fun and pleasurable thing. Some people wouldn't still enjoy it, even though they were wetshaving, with a straight or DE. But many would I'm sure :rolleyes:
It's amazing how many people refuse to try the wetshaving routine that hate the other way. I have a buddy that hates his current setup, and I've been trying to get him to try some of my stuff without any luck. Shocking :confused:
"It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it great."

- Tom Hanks as manager Jimmy Dugan

I think there is some of that to wet shaving, too. Even when the straight razor, and later the safety razor, were king of the shaving world, probably a very small minority of shavers were enthusiasts who did everything "just so" and assembled shave dens bursting at the seams with lotions and hardware.

A lot of folks want fast and adequate. If that weren't the case, then fast food chains would wither as people woke up to the fact that they can make tastier, healthier less expensive food using old school techniques in their own kitchens.

Likewise, you'll never get the majority to drop the McCartridge for a home cooked shave.

It's just human nature. The guy at work who thinks I'm nuts because I use a seventy year old razor also thinks I'm missing out because I don't spend every spare minute tending to banzai trees, like he does.

Besides, I like the fact that general disinterest makes this an exclusive club!


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
The best way to convert someone is by giving them a gift. If you give someone a brush, a razor, and a puck of soap, they'll use it.


I rekon I will have to do the same with my father... I will need to find him a Merkur HD, a few blades and a puck of soap. I know he still has his badger but doesn't like it. I could find something else...
Well i'm a new DE shaver and I'm trying it because I got tired of corporate america playing games with me and razor availability.
I mean I would buy one of those handles to try to be more environmentally friendly (as opposed to buying those throw away full size cheap razors) to try to reduce my plastic waste, and then 6 months later evilmart would stop carrying the razors that fit my handle forcing me to buy another one.

So I started looking for alternatives and found out about old safety razors, which if I can figure out how to shave without irritating myself will free me from that problem.

So that is why I am here.
I've noticed allot of you guys are in it for a better shaving experience.
Honestly I don't care to much about the "experience".. and don't want to spend longer shaving.
Just want to be in control of my buying experiences.

But everyone is different I guess and maybe i'll start caring more about the experience as I get more experience, who knows.
I guess you guys could commit genocide on the majority, therefor making yourselves the majority without converting anyone :).. JK.
What it comes down to is the fact that, at some level, people switch to something else due to the dissatisfaction they feel with what they're switching from. A lot of people that I've proselytized the wetshaving gospel to have reacted in any number of ways, but by far, the positive response has been the rarest response. People like what they like. I'm not saying you shouldn't try to do it, as I am always chatting up buddies about how great it is to shave this way, but some people are just satisfied with the results they get from something else and therefore feel no reason to switch, and that's okay with me.

Quoted for truth. A good way not to get people to wetshave, if that's your goal, is to be the grooming equivalent of the pushy, pontificating vegetarian who ruins every Thanksgiving dinner with the family.
Chris, just go for it! I'm doing the same thing. Make it personal. I had a custom shave brush made for my father (Air Force Blue as he is a Vet). I got him a Diplomat (from his birth year) and am sending him Limes shave soap and after shave (he loves anything limey). Call it corny but I've also written him a letter about how to shave properly. I mentioned the irony that he learned to shave from Grandpa but my generation pretty much got the "here's a disposable and canned crap go shave" line or speech. I didn't even get that, I bought my first razor (Mach III) and canned crap myself. Put a personal spin on it. It may not convert him but he'll appreciate it greatly. I'm not sure if my Pops will stick to using the Diplomat, but I'm pretty sure he'll stick to the soap and brush approach and I know he'll love the sentiment.
The first thing to do is...do not try to convert anyone, in first place!!!

There is always someone, at a corner street, to convert somebody to something!! Don't do it too!!

Just shave everyday as usual without chit-chat and have faith...verba movent, exempla trahunt

If everybody is coming to this hobby the price blades will rise up, techs will be sold at $ 200 and this nice site and niche will go crazy!! Is that what you want??!!:confused:
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I tried converting my Dad. Didn't work. He's in his mid 70's and for whatever reason likes the Mach 3 and Edge shaving gel. I had bought him an Omega pure badger and a Gillette adjustable. Wouldn't use them. He's trying to get me to use the Mach 3 and telling me that there are razors with 5 blades in them. Like I don't know. I consider him a lost soul in terms of shaving.
To each there own i guess. One can only change when someone wants change. Until then the attempt to persuade another is like trying to stop time and bring back the dead.... :0)
Here's the one thing I have found that works - Forget the razor.

Give gifts of nicely scented soaps, a brush and a card with simple instructions on how to lather. That's it. Get them whipping up their own lather and enjoying a nice sandalwood or a lime soap, a vanilla or a mint, and let them get into the prep and the almost immediate change in a quality shave.

Nothing makes a bigger difference then this. They can use the brush and soap in the shower in the morning, at night, at the gym, wherever they usually scrape their faces, and they'll notice slicker shaves with far less razor burn. They'll feel like they're spoiling themselves with the great scent and the brush.
Let that simmer for awhile. Most will try it at least once, for the simple fact that guys like new toys and swirling a brush on a soap puck is an old-fashioned real man thing.

If they like it, they will eventually want to know more.

Don't ask if they want it beforehand. They'll say they're fine with what they have, they use an electric, blah, blah, blah.
Just get it, give it to them on a birthday or Christmas and leave it alone.
American culture, maybe, but it's exactly the same here.

that's good to hear. now if only i could get a job in NYC, they'd raise gas prices and i'd be out of ****ty NJ.

anyway i think people are wary of converting because it seems like a lot of effort for so trivial a thing.
Maybe we should get a super bowl ad touting the benefits of wet shaving, after all most people do exactly what they are told by the idiot box.
I recently converted two friends by discussing the cost savings and elimination of ingrowns. I don't discuss the AD/enjoyment part of it. I'll let them figure that part out on their own :biggrin:
A couple more guys have converted just this week after I brought my Fatboy in to work. I guess those little plastic razors don't seem as substantial after holding a Fatboy.
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