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How to Clean A Silver Tuckaway Case?

So I just won a silver Tuckaway on eBay, the razor itself looks to be in good shape and the lining of the case looks to be in very good condition as well, but the case itself appears to be horribly tarnished.


Normally I use the baking soda / aluminum foil trick to polish silver razors, but I obviously don't want to dunk the lined case into that. My worry is that if I polish enough to take off all the tarnishing that is there, I'll strip all the plating off the case as well.

Any suggestions? My only thought was to try to hold the box into the baking soda /foil dish with the opening always above the water level, but this seems pretty risky and I don't think I want to hold the box at the right water level for 15 minutes.
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I think the silver has to be in contact with the aluminum foil for that process to work. You could get some jewelry cleaning liquid for sterling silver (not just the generic jewelry cleaning liquid) at most drug and department stores. Try wetting a paper towel with the liquid and washing the case with it. So long as you don't get the towel too wet, the interior should stay dry.
Back in the day I think my grandmother used to use a product call Wrights paste or polish. Kind of a grey paste, put it on and let it sit then wipe off.
Thats all I got.

If you use any form of silver polish, be careful not to use anything too abrasive because the silver plating on those cases is *very* thin.
So I got it today and used some Carbona Silver Wipes I had sitting around to polish it up. I was skeptical about how they would work on such heavy tarnish, but the results were great. :thumbup:




I apologize for the picture quality, all I had was the camera on my phone.

And I didn't want to jinx myself before I got it and cleaned it up, but I think this was an excellent snag for $21 shipped!! :biggrin1:
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